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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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OoC: Aaron's there too. You control him while Crystal and Yoko are duelling.


A puff of smoke appeared on the horizon followed swiftly by Yoko. "So you made it..? I must say that you've surprised me with your spine. Now let's begin." She flicked on her duel disk and shoved her deck inside.

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"Very well," said Crystal as she drew. "First I'll play Graceful Charity. Now I can draw three and discard two." She chose to discard Petit Dragon and Crawling Dragon. "Now I'll play Marauding Captain, and due to his effect I'll Special Summon another Marauding Captain. Now I'll throw two face downs and end."

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That cannon is dangerous - if that is kept out on the field for longer than 8 turns, I'm going bust. I have to destroy that cannon fast, thought Crystal as she drew.


"I'll play Battle Ox in attack mode. Next I'll reveal one of my face downs, Mystical Space Typhoon, to destroy your Wave-Motion Cannon. Now my Battle Ox, attack that Knight!" yelled Crystal. "Now my Captains, attack Yoko directly!"


Crystal - 8000

Yoko - 5600

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"You're quite a tricky doppleganger," commented Crystal as she drew. She looked at the cards in her hand. How could she get rid of Yubel without triggering any of it's effects? She knew the end effect would be triggered anyway.


The only way round is if I can stop Yoko from playing another monster ... but that's not going to be easy. She looked down at the cards in her hand.


"I'll play a Red-Eyes Black Chick. He may look sweet, but he's even sweeter when you see what he can do. I'll send him to the Graveyard to play Red-Eyes Black Dragon! Now my dragon, attack that Knight!"

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"I draw, and activate Pot of Greed. Perfect! First I reveal a second Limit Reverse to revive another Yubel! Then I summon The Calculator. Due to it's ability it has a massive 6600 attack points! Finally I play Double Attack! By discarding Dark Grepher to the grave my monster can attack twice. The Calculator, attack Red Eyes Black Dragon and Battle Ox!"

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Brilliant, thought Crystal as she drew. Now that's one less Yubel to deal with. She looked down at the card. "I'll activate my Pot of Greed." She drew twice. "Now get ready for some real hell. I'll tribute my captains and my Battle Ox to Special Summon Destiny Hero - Plasma! With him I can fearlessly play Raigeki, which will destroy your Yubel. And thanks to Plasma, Yubel's effect isn't activated as they are negated.


"Now Plasma and my Red Eyes, attack Yoko directly!"


Crystal - 8000

Yoko - 4100


"I'll throw a face down and end my go."

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