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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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"AJ, I can't! What about you, what am I suppose to do?" demanded Crystal. "Unless ... if I kill Nightshroud it banishes him back to the shadows ..." She took off her own Shadow Stop pendant and slipped it around AJ's neck. She let the light loose again fearlessly and this time saw Nightshroud disappear for good.

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Nightshroud: (smiles evilly) you think you've won.......the light my send me back, but the shadows won't keep me there.......i will never disappear......i am the darkness....hmhmhm.....I AM THE SHADOWS!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! (disappears into the light)

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AJ: (looks at Nightshroud's deck and pocket's it) no, but i'll hold onto it (slowly gets up) if Nightshroud really does return, if he wants the deck, he'll have to go threw me to get it (looks at his gf)


AJ: Crystal.....i've been so stupid, you all care so much for me....but i've been slefish, i've only cared for you.....(punches the ground) i've been such and idiot!

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