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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Triton was swept by a rage of fury. He grabbed Pearl by the neck and raised her to the sky. "YOU. WILL. FEEL. THE FURY OF THE GODS!!!!" All of a sudden, he saw flashes over his eyes, Rinslet... Raze... he fell to his knees, dropping Pearl "I....can't do this...." he flies away.

Rinslet sat there, shaking as she heard the lightning... She knew that was Triton... what was happening.... These angels... have they lost their light? She holds Ultrace's card.... It glows. She is re-assured.

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Nightshroud: so then AJ, what exactly are you up to? you said you needed Pearl, why do you need her?


AJ: Pearl is the darkness that resounded in Peter's heart, the more darkness we can gather, the stronger i'll become, we'll have to destroy the rest of the evil clones and obtain their power


Nightshroud: then you'll be able to protect her, that is want you want right?


AJ: yes, i want to protect her........i have to protect her...


Nightshroud: don't wry (puts a hand on his shoulder) with my help you'll be able to protect her from anything, and by the way, what are you trying to protect Crystal from anyway?


AJ: (looks at a locket he made with Crystal's picture in it, he closes it and tightens his grip around it)....Peter

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OOC: Sorry i haven't been on in forever. I've been busy w/homework, but i can come back now!

IC: Devin had been so busy with homework for almost two weeks, but he had gotten plenty of assignments done ahead of time, so now, he was looking for a challenge

Devin: I guess i'll head to the duel arena and see if anyone's down there.

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OOC: Flurry... yikes... you're kinda scaring me... O.o


"Ugh... Monday, everything becomes boring again... huh? what's this note"


Peter, I need to speek to you alone, now, meat me on the cliff as soon as possible, I'll be waiing




"... is it worth me risking it again... I guess, after all Chris went good, I think, why not Pearl?" *leaves

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