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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Michael: "Exodius, Exodia, Exodia Necross, Spirit blast!"

OOC: It obliterates spiritual parasites, like Pearl

Exodia/Exodia Necross/Exodius: 'HAAAAAAAA!' They charge their beams behind Exxod

OoC: lol' date=' you drank it :D


"Thanks Exodia," said Crystal. "Relinquished, Thousand-Eyes, come on to back up Exodia." Her two monsters appeared and stood behind him to back him up with their energy.



OOC: Correction, Exxod, Master of the Guard, not Exodia

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Rinslet's eyes flew open. She was gasping for air, as if she had just been choking and had been allowed breath. She stays there, on all fours, trying to catch her breath. She notices Triton on the ground.


"Triton!!! What happened!!" She shakes him, he was out cold....


Raze walks up to her, his Aura was completely disguised... his demeanor changed. "He was attacked by a ball of energy... That pesky person up on the volcano is causing the trouble.. I was.... unable to resolve the problem in time..."


Rinslet gasped "Who are you!?"


"I... Am Raze" The sound of his name sent chills down her spine.. Something wasn't cool about this alley cat. Nonetheless, she had to choice but to trust him...


"Can... Can you take me back to my room?" Raze wasn't happy with the idea; if she was going back where people were... he might be able to be sensed as what he really is.... He cannot take that chance.


"Unfortunately, dearest, I cannot. I am simply not powerful enough."


Bull$#@& thought Triton, who was newly conscious.


"I will take you home, madam." Triton said allowed. Rinslet collected her cards, and they were teleported.


Once they were back, Triton decided to go help the force. Triton stood in front of the 3 Duel Spirits.


"This apparition has no chance against the force of the heavens!" Triton stood there, looking kingly.


I AM SO SORRY FOR THESE BIG POSTS. xD I just, once the ideas are flowing they keep going and going.

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OoC: darn! it would have been funny if it was you!


"Relinquished' date=' Thousand-Eyes, channel your power into him and give Pearl the BIGGEST blasting of her life!"



OOC: I DID drink the water, Exxod was the one who protected us, that's what he does, defends

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