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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Michael: "Pete was possessed, Exodia was about to obliterate Pearl, but she escaped. For once Exodia seemed like a god, you know, Exodia-like."

Exodia: 'Duelasia? That is by far the worst attempted lie...'

Michael: He looks at Exodia, with a smile to fool the others, he said without opening his mouth "SHUT UP"

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Lol oops. That's not OOC. xD


Rinslet went through her deck, and her cards. She opened up a pack that had been sent to her by her aunt. It was one of the last packs of the series that contained the Angels..... What was this? The card shone when it touched her hand. She gasped but found she couldn't let go of the card. The light was blinding but she couldn't look away! Her vision fades to black as her head hits the ground. The duel spirit crawls out of the card,


Triton jumps out to see this menacing spirit in front of him. It speaks,


"So sorry about the girl....." His voice was bone-chilling.


"I will make you pay!" Triton attacks only to be grabbed by the neck and slammed to a tree, the bark of the tree cracked along with Triton's spine from the force.


"Now now.... no violence next to girl," His grip got suddenly tighter at the word violence, "I will be accompanying you in the girl's deck.... and we will work together... But if we can't.... Hah, You won't be seeing the girl ever again."


Triton's face got deep red from lack of circulation as his throat started to close, "You....won't.....be....anywhere... near her...ahahhh..." He passes out. The spirit, known as Raze, throws him across the clearing, and crawls into his card.


[Haha. I love being an author.]

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OOC: Well, I'm an Author, but I'd like to be working as a human Psychologist. I want to help people, and being an Author is something I can do while being a Psychologist, so. Not to mention I've already written a couple of novels and some fanfic's. :3 I'm actually working on a fanfic right now, and I've got a novel idea. I'm co-writing with someone. :D

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