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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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--i hate having track i miss to much

Jade: (draws) first i'll play my synchro adjustment, and i'll use it to lower my demonic's beasts level by 1, but i'll have to pay 500 LP to do so


Nightshroud: 7600

Jade: 4500


Jade: but now i'll synch my servent and my beast, now let the gates of hell burst open and give birth to chaos, synchro summon NEO DEMON: ARKARAZ!!!! (3500)




Jade: now you'll feel true power! Arkaraz, attack his dragon!!! (Arkaraz shattered the Emperor Dragon easily and cost Nightshroud 1100 points)


Nightshroud: 6500

Jade: 4500


Jade: i'll end there, you have nothing to stop me anyway, hmhmhmhmhm

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OOC: Sorry I haven't been on recently, I've been really busy with the easter holidays and everything, and I've been packing and stuff for when I go away for a couple of weeks on Monday. Anyway, soz I haven't been on recently, and I probably won't for a few weeks. You can control Koga and Akuma to a limited extent if you want.

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OoC: time rewind a bit guys


"Pete, I think the reason you don't have this light is because there's this shadow upon you; a shadow of hatred and darkness. It seems as if my emotions are triggering this light. It's getting late, I'll go now, see you guys."


OoC: OK, present time...


Crystal woke up and saw a note neatly folded on her table. She picked it up and read it.


Dear Crystal,

I apologise about our last encounter. I was wrong to be this hot-headed. I want to talk to you, don't bring the staff, I'm not bringing my sword (the sword's broken anyway...). I feel as if I've made a mistake with my actions, and I just want to discuss some things. Come down now, I'm waiting.



"At least he had the decency to write a nice note," muttered Crystal. Ten minutes later she left her dorm and went down to the clearing, where she found Chris sitting on a rather thick branch on a nearby tree.


"I knew you'd come," he said. He shuffled off the tree, landing without any harm. He really hadn't brought his sword with him. He took a card out from inside his jacket; it was Crystal's Dark Magician. She took it, glad to be reunited. "I just want to say sorry, ok?"


"Apology accepted. You know, you're not that bad for a Dark guy." Chris laughed.


"Looks like there's too much light in your heart to be unable to create a proper baddy. Crystal, I'm still not letting go on this tag team thing. We have the perfect combination of decks. Think about it - Spellcasters, Warriors and Dragons united. Isn't that perfect enough? Think of the deathly combinations we could create ..."


"You're right," muttered Crystal. Chris held out a deck for her. She cautiously took it.


"Don't be like that, it's a brand new deck to help you out. Think of this deck as a solo tag team deck. If we ever duel solo, I've combined the three monsters into one single deck. All that's missing is your Dark Magician and Dark Paladin."


"It's got Buster Blader?"


"Yes ... well, a copy anyway. You'll thank me for this Crystal, I know you will ... tag team partner." He winked and she couldn't help smile slightly. He walked off and the same Curse of Dragon she had seen before swooped down. He mounted the dragon and took off.

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Nightshroud: (draws) hmhmhmhahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Jade: what's so funny?


Nightshroud: i always get the giggles when i see fire, and now i'm happy (shows her the card) becuase i'll get to watch you burn! i'll activate the spell card Rage of Red-Eyes!




now by sacrificing 4000 of my LP's i can bring out any monster with the words "Red-Eyes" in it's name from either my hand deck or graveyard


Nightshroud: 2500

Jade: 4500


Nightshroud: now i'll call forth my Red-Eyes Black Dragon(2400), my Red-Eyes Metal Dragon(2800), the Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon(2400), Red-Eyes Metal Darkness Dragon(2800), and to top it all of the RED-EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON!!! (4200) (Jade went wide-eyed at all of the monsters


Jade: i-i-it doesn't matter! even if you attack you'll only do 700 damage, plus Arkaraz can't be destroyed in battle, you'll still lose once the effect of your spell removes all your dragons from play


Nightshroud: trust me i'm not done yet, now i'll play heavy storm (all face downs where wiped out) now i'll finish you! i'll play United We Stand and equip it to my Ultimate Dragon (8200)


Jade: wait! even if it can't be destroyed that attack power is too high, the damage taken will be...


Nightshroud: 4700, and with only 4500 left.......game over, hun! (the ultimate dragon unleashed it's attack and blasted Arkaraz, even though the demon did not fall Jade still took 4700 points in damage dropping them to 0)


Nightshroud: 2500

Jade: 0000

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