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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Crystal awoke from her sleep. At last, the weekends! She got herself ready and she picked up her Spellcaster deck. Whatever mood she had been feeling before was gone. In just a day, both her Dark Magician and Pete had gone ... she remembered Chris' offer of teaming up, and realised he hadn't wanted to steal her Dark Magician first. If she had agreed, events would have occured differently...


"What if he's not all that evil?" Crystal muttered to herself. "What if he's not like Koga's opposite or Julia or Jade or Pearl or Aaron's opposite?" She remembered him telling her her martial arts abilities had rubbed off onto her. What if it had been more than just that ...

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Mistress, I've seen him.




Yes, he is still riding Neos. He is currently headed for the beach, and he is still possessed. I wouldn't advise we follow him, he is currently a great danger - bigger than Chris.


I doubt Chris can be considered much of a threat. He hasn't exactly done any Shadow Duels, nor has he shown up much. I'm going to follow Pete anyway. It may be dangerous, but at least I've got good protection. She left her dorm with all three decks and, ignoring Relinquished's protests, ran down to the beach where she saw Pete.

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"Shoot, you just dont give up do you?" demanded Crystal as her Chaos Command Magician appeared and magicially raised her off the ground to avoid the dragon's blow. Then she remembered something. "Hey Pete, did you know I love you as well?"

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Seijin:So Kaisa...what's up?

Kaisa:Sire, you have returned.

Seijin:Sorry about earlier...

Kaisa:I do not blame you...but we must hurry, Pete is not himself...

Seijin:Pete?! no...not again

Kaisa:He reminds you of your brother does'nt he...

Seijin:Have you been in my thoughts?


Seijin:I'm really starting to like you Kaisa...

Kaisa:Likewise Sire...let us go!

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Crystal yelped. Not even Chaos Command Magician's power could get her out. She needed help, big time. "I only lied because I want to awaken you! I can't stand to see you like this Pete! Sure, I may not love you as in boyfriend and girlfriend love, but I love you like a brother! And that's the truth!"

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"Yes I do Pete," answered Crystal softly. "Yes I do." Almost like magic, a dazzling crystal-white glow emitted from where her heart was. Absolutely amazed, the sand cage vanished. Crystal could suddenly see the fleeing shadow, which immediately fled faster when it saw the light. Crystal landed on her feet and the light stopped glowing. She ran over to Pete and kneeled by him. "Pete, are you OK?"

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