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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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"MICHAEL!" yelled Crystal. Not taking the joke in particularly good humour, she returned to her dorm where she dried herself and changed into her other set of uniform. She opened the door and immediately noticed something lying on the ground. It was a staff, and immediately Crystal recognised it as a replica of Dark Magician's. Frowning she picked it up. It was a perfect staff she could use to fight with. She saw a note attached and she read it.


Crystal, the duel spirits may have been unable to settle our conflict, but I'm not giving up. Go down to the woods immediately. I won't tell you where I am, but go in deep. We are going to settle this once and for all.


"Chris," she muttered. She didn't know what to do. Should she go or should she not? She decided she would. She took her duel disk off and headed down to the woods. There was a shiiiiing sound of a sword being unsheathed, and a flash of silver. Suddenly she realised what this was about. "Oh sh.............."

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Exodia: 'I don't think she appreciated that....'

Michael: "It was an April fools joke!"

Exodia: 'Two days AFTER the fact!'

Michael: "On April Fools day, everyone EXPECTS it! Two days after is MY April Fools!"

Exodia: 'I believe it wasn't right."

Michael: "YOU'RE LUCKY IT WASN'T YOU! I now have TWO huge headaches because of you!"

Exodia: 'ME?!?!'

Michael: "YOU got me INTO this, I would have thought it FUNNY had I not had the current headache! You KNEW I had one!"

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Michael: In his dorm, still listening to music

Exodia: 'Wait headphones?! Are you listening to....'

Michael: hands an earphone to Exodia

Exodia: 'You always get into trouble listening to that!'

Michael: Ignores Exodia's pleas and gets back to listening "Perhaps something more relaxing."

He changes the music and heads to the dock.

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--sry i'm so late today, i saw chess peices, a soda, leonic cursing (or almost cursing) and that's about it, welcome back leonic, and super are we still wating to goldeneagle?


AJ: CRYSTAL!!! (AJ sat up in his hospital bed but laid back down at once, the pain from the fall was terrible and his head was spinning, had he just seen a vision? it felt like he had been there with her, or was it only a dream)


Fontaine: AJ! you're up, are you ok?


AJ: (slowly ignores her and gets up, his leg was messed up and his arm broken, but he didn't care, he grabbed his duel disk and deck and began to walk out)


Fontaine: ANDREW MAXWELL!! get back in your bed! (AJ slowly turned and smiled)


AJ: (in Nightshrouds voice) i'll take care of him (and slowly walks out of the infermary)

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"Hello Crystal," said Chris when he emerged from the shadows. He was carrying a Buster Blader-styled sword. They stood in a clearing where the sun beamed down on them, making the whole area look like "Secret Village of the Spellcasters". "I knew you'd arrive. We need to settle this. I don't want this conflict to go out of hand. All I'm asking is that you work side by side with me." This threw Crystal off guard.


"What?" she demanded.


"We work side by side. Stop being enemies. Don't you get it? We have the perfect decks - spellcasters and warriors ... well, alright, not entirely warriors but ... y'know ..." He coughed. "That's not the point. The point is we're stronger together than apart. Join me Crystal. Join me." He said this last bit in a softer tone. Crystal looked into his eyes.


"In your dreams!" she snapped, both hands now on the staff. Chris' grip on the sword's hilt tightened.


"Have it your way then," he fired. He ran at her and attempted to swish the sword downwards. At once Crystal held her staff out, blocking the move. Amazed at how strong the wood was, she shoved his blade off, kicking him with her left heel in the process. She got him in the stomach, sending him stumbling backwards.


This didn't stop him. He ran again and slashed at her waist. Crystal blocked his blow sideways, then used the staff as a pivoting point and did a cartwheel using the staff to get her over the sword's blade. She backflipped, freeing her weapon from his.


"Looks like my martial arts experience rubbed off on you," she said as she stood, her staff behind her back, her palm outstretched in front.


"Yes, looks like it," Chris agreed. "But one thing puzzles me a lot Crystal. Why a staff? Why not the dangerous blade?"


"Easy. The staff can give you a good damn whacking!" Crystal ran and so did Chris. He attempted to swing at her neck but she ducked, then tilted her staff so the end facing Chris would smack him around the waist. She succeeded.

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Exodia: 'something's wrong'

Michael: "What?"

Exodia: 'With Crystal'

Michael: "Exodia get over it."

Exodia: 'not that, somethings happened to her.'

Michael: "What? Show me an orb!"

Exodia: conjurs a viewing orb

Michael: "Oh no, do you know her location?"

Exodia: 'I think at her dorm.'

Michael: Get's up and runs to the lake.

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(AJ solwy walked out of the academy wearing a purple arua around him, something didn't fel right, and he knew it, he wasn't in controll of his actions, all he knew was he was being brought to where Crystal was, however something blocked his path)


AJ: well well well, nice to see you again Jade (she jumped down from a nearby tree, a look of outrage on her face)


Jade: HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?! (AJ smiled a sadistic smile)


AJ: the boy has something you'll never be able to have Jade (suddenly AJ began to be surrounded by a dark fog, when the fog lifted, Nightshroud stood before her).....he has me



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Michael: "What's happening in the orb Exodia?"

Exodia: 'Weapon fight'

Michael: Runs to dorm "If so, I'm grabbing my luck sword I snuck in here!" Grabs sword

Exodia: 'What about me?'

Michael: "um....... here" tosses Exodia an umbrella "Let's go!" Heads back to lake

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The smack sent Chris off balance but he quickly regained it. The two opponents turned to face each other, and Crystal suddenly found another reason why she wouldn't wear a skirt (unlike the other females); not convenient for fighting against someone carrying a sword.


She blocked another one of his blows and this time pushed off the ground, both feet kicking him hard on the chest. He stumbled backwards yet again and Crystal quickly charged, leaping and smacking him on the collar-bone. He yelped and stumbled backwards, rubbing where she had smacked him.


"I'm going. You could have accepted my offer but no, you chose to reject. I'll give you time to think." He turned and darted away, leaving Crystal completely stumped.

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Nightshroud: awww, what's wrong Jade? not happy to see me? i thought you'd be happy to see the one protecting your victim


Jade: hmph, i can't believe this! why are you protecting him?!


Nightshroud: i need him to survive, and now that he was weakened by you....(begins to laugh) NOW I HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL ONCE MORE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Jade: well then( smiles and activates her duel disk) i was hoping to beat AJ in a duel, but you'll do just as nicely


Nightshroud: (materlizing his out of darkness) i'd love to see you try


Nightshroud: 8000

Jade: 8000

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Nightshroud: i'll go first (draws) first i'll summon my Red Eyes Wyvern to the field (1800) then i'll place 2 cards face down and end my turn


Jade: (draws) i'll call forth my Demonic Mage (1300)




Jade: then i'll place MST and destroy your facedown to the left (Dragon's Rage shattered) then i'll play a card face down and end

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--it's Nightshroud and Jade


Nightshroud: (draws) i'll activate my Pot of Greed (draws 2 more) then i'll tribute my Wyvern for my Cththonian Emperor Dragon! (2400) now my dragon, fry her Mage!


Jade: i think not, i'll reveal my Negate Attack to put a stop to your dragon


Nightshroud: not bad, i'll place 2 more cards down and end


Jade: (draws and smiles)


Nightshroud: hope you don't need that, becuase i activate Drop Off, now discard it (Jade cursed and discarded Caius the Shadow Monarch)


Jade: next i'll sac my Mage and call forth my Demonic Knight!




Nightshroud: not bad but i'll activate my Torrental Tribute, now all of our monsters are destroyed (the dragon and knight shattered)


Jade: DAMN YOU! i'll end my turn there! (Nightshroud just snickered)


--eating, give my 45 minutes

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Nightshroud: (draws) i'll pass this turn


Jade: what?! why pass you have no monsters out


Nightshroud: not for long, due to my Wyvern's effect, since he's in the graveyard, as long as i don't summon anything this turn i'll be able to summon one monster with "Red Eyes" in it's name, and i choose the Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon! (2800) and due to his ability i can now summon my Emperor Dragon back (2400) i'll end there


Jade: (glaring at the 2 dragons) this is far from over (draws) i'll activate my Demonic Draw, now i keep drawing from my deck until i draw a monster with the word Demonic in it's name, then when i draw i can summon it, all other cards go to the grave and i take 500 damage for each of them (draws and discards 3 cards until hitting a monster)


Nightshroud: 8000

Jade: 6500


Jade: come forth Demonic Lord (2300)




Jade: now i'll discard Foolish Burial and special summon my Mage back in defesne mode, but now i'll activate Polymerazation and fuse my Mage and my Solider to bring forth my Demonic Beast! (3200)




Jade: now my beast attack his Darkness Metal Dragon!!!

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