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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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OoC: I'm back!


Crystal stretched, yawning from the tedious four-day revision period she had just gone by. If Crowler wasn't being so annoying, she wouldn't have bothered revising like the days in Slifer Red. She opened the door to her dorm and stopped as she saw a face down deck on the ground. Curiously she picked it up and saw a note attached to it. She couldn't recognise who's scrawny handwritting it was.


Crystal, I know you are being troubled by Chris, and I happen to know you like chess. I leave this deck for you, and I hope you can become a Chessmaster one day.


"Chessmaster ... OK, that's wierd," muttered Crystal.

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IC: Michael carefully watched the duel, but not as carefully as he thought about where to look for some sort of hideout for Julia and her 'apprentice'. "If I were I psycho on an island full of duelists with an apprentice, where would I hide?" He notices Crystal "Hey Crystal." He returns to watching the duel.

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Crystal sighed and shook her head, but not in a disapproving way. "You really love to be a joker dont you? You were really convincing as well - you should be an actor when you leave here. Well, we'll just have to hope Julia won't cause much trouble."

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Michael: "Well, let's just say, that for some reason, my charisma and brains, didn't help at all"

Exodia: He woke up 'Good morning Crystal, Michael is quite bored, perhaps a duel?"

Michael: "Nah, she'd win in about 2 turns."

Exodia: 'Oh we insist right Michael?'

Michael: "hehe" He wispers to Exodia "I'll lose in a minute, and I don't need another flash related headache."

Exodia: 'He'll duel' He wispers to Michael 'Call it payback for keeping me in that card.'

Michael: He wispers to Exodia "Oh, you'll get yours."

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Michael: "I think I'll go. I activate book of forbidden spells! 163083.jpg

It's effect let's me choose one card in my deck and not you or me can use it! I choose Monster Reborn! Next I summon one monster in defense mode. Next I play Last Will! I can summon 1 monster with 1500 ATK or less and summon it to the field, and I choose Left arm of the Forbidden One in defense mode! Next I play 1 card face down and end.

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Crystal drew and at once understood what the note meant. "First I'll play the Field Spell, Chess Board!"




"Next I'll activate Field Barrier. Now I'll play White Pawn, and since I Summoned him out, he gets two Pawn Counters."




"Next I'll use Double Summon, and I'll Summon out the White Pawn's counterpart, Black Pawn! And he gets two Pawn Counters as well."




"Now I'll activate Dimensional Fissure. Next I'll throw a face down. White Pawn, attack the Left Arm! Black Pawn, attack that face down monster!"

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