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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Michael: This entire time his train of thought was blocked because of a conversation outside "What's going on?" He looks out his window, and sees Julie, Seijin, Leo, Crystal, and Peter "Huh, easier than I thought." He walks outside and says, "Relinquished can't hold Exodia, It would be too much power, causing a time space riphole and cause the world to destroy itself. The riphole part was a guess, but Relinquished can't hold Exodia. But I now realized it is impossible to beat you, so I attempt to join you."

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"If a duel's about to happen ... are you suggesting we'll end up having a tag duel?" asked Crystal. Then something clicked. She dragged Michael far away from the others. "Michael, listen ... I've just realised, if it's us two against them ... we've got the perfect stall deck combination."


(OoC: I'll talk bout it over PM)

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Michael: "Ah well, there goes my plan about betraying you and obliterating you. Relinquished can't hold Exodia, so there goes that plan, I tried doing that to power Exodia up, but it failed." He walks closely to Julia and tells her "You try to hide, I will find you. You try to run, I will catch you. When I do, I will destroy you. Have a nice day." He walks away. "I've got better things than dealing with scum like you, when you're actually WORTH taking down, I will."

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Michael: My move! I summon Spirit of the Pot of Greed in Defense mode! and now I activate Pot of Greed, I draw to cards, but because of spirit's effect, I can draw another one! Now I activate Last Will! I summon one sangan in defense mode, and I activate Double Summon, and I put one monster in Defense mode! Now I set 4 face downs, your move. Now that One of my face downs has been there for a turn, I activate Jar of Greed!

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