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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Michael: He seems to be ignored, so with Exodia's help he goes after Seijin

Exodia: 'He's in the medical room'

Michael: "I'm coming!" He runs toward the room with Seijin, in it. When he arrives he finds Seijin

"Seijin, are you alright! Exodia, What's wrong with him!"

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--awesome, we're helping Pete out of his room, see u in a bit


(once Peter was through AJ nodded, he went to go back through but suddenly there was a blast of green light and the portal shattered, AJ's eyes widened and turned to see Jade smiling at him)


Jade: long time no see hun (blows a kiss at him)


AJ: (this is bad, i can't get out like this)


Jade: it seems like there's no one to help you now (AJ begins to cough heavily) pitty though, i thought you could do better then that little brat you hold onto so dearly


AJ: SHUT UP!!! (breathes in a bit a begins to cough again)

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OoC: Don't. Super doesn't like Posting Apps Here. Anyways Welcome!


Julia: Oh,It's ok. Seijin, do you want to train now. This THING is saying stuff about you And I think you should show Him who's Bo-


Leo: Not so Fast! Lets Go You and Me Duel! If you win do what you want to me but Let Seijin Go!


Julia: Hmmph. If you Wish.

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Nightshroud: (beginning to disappear, to Crystal) i have to leave, i can only transfer part of my power at a time


Jade: i could just kill you here just i'd find it much better to let you suffer


AJ: (coughs so hard that a bit of blood came out of his mouth) (n-n-no, i can;t....go like this..... (continues to cough)


Jade: it's a shame too, if you would've lived we could've been together, but i guess you care too much about your friends to give a f^%& about yourself, so now you'll pay for it

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Leo: No. Let her go, After all, She is supposed to be Annoying.


Julia: Hurry Up. I'm Waiting. Fine, I'll Go First.


I summon Harpie Queen! Then I use Elegant Egotist. Out Comes HLS! I set 2 cards and End! Your go.


Leo:Bleh. I Special Summon Blackwing-Sicorro The Dawn! Then I Special Summon Blackwings Bora The Spear an Gale The Hurricane! Tuning Gale With Bora to Synchro Summon Blackwing Armor Master!


Now I Use Sicorro's Effect! Armor Attack Harpie Queen!


Julia: Uh-Uh! I use Negate Attack!


Leo: I end....

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"There has to be another way in..." muttered Crystal. Suddenly she realised there was only one way in. Relinquished appeared armed with Ritual Weapon. "Go on, and make sure you catch that can." In one blow Relinquished made a huge hole in the door and the can began to fall. He caught it in time and left it outside....

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AJ: (d-damn.......DAMN IT!!!)


Jade: as much as i'd love to watch you perish, i have other things to do (listening to Crystal yell threw the door) awww, she loves you, how cute (disappears)


AJ: i...won't let.....(coughs) this happen.......


Nightshroud: the window


AJ: (what about it?)


Nightshroud: break the window, you can escape from it


AJ: (i'm to weak from the scent to climb down) (coughs up more blood)


Nightshroud: break the window and jump out,


AJ: (WHAT?! it's a 3 story drop, i'll be killed)


Nightshroud: i'll use my dark powers to ensure you survive the fall (suddenly a purple arua surrounds AJ) NOW UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE JUMP!!!!! (at this point AJ had no choice, he ran towards the window and jumped)

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(AJ crashed threw the window and began to fall, just then however Nightshroud's duel spirit, REBD caught him in mid-air on it's back, he landed hard still coughing up blood bit by bit, but AJ was still alive, REBD landed and faded once it hit the ground, AJ landed on the ground and sighed in relief)


AJ: (breathing in fresh air but still coughing) hh-heh, guess.....i'll see...(coughs) you again....j-jade......(passes out)

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