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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Michael: Secretly watching everything through an orb Exodia conjured, was able to get to the area of danger and found Seijin "Seijin! Don't listen to her! She is using you for her own needs! We ARE your friends. If not everyone else I AM. It started when I dueled you. I helped you with your girl obsession. I SAVED YOUR LIFE, well me and crystal and sean did, SNAP OUT OF IT! REMEMBER RINSLET! I DON'T THINK SHE'LL DATE AN EVIL LACKY!"

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Harpie Queen:Meh. At least I don't Make poor innocent Duel Monsters Servants. HEAR THAT IDIOT. A DUEL MONSTER JUST SAID SOMETHANG!!!!


HQ: Also. You just said something about Leo too. So your saying things about both of them. THAT AREN'T TRUE!

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Leo was standing there watching everything. He couldn't think of anything so he ran. Eventually he bumped into Crystal.


Leo: Uhh.....Err...Meh....Excuse...Me,...






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AJ: i know that wasn't Peter and now Nightshroud is following her, we'll rescure Peter


Jade: (begins to laugh) do you really think you can trust Nightshroud?! please, he took your body over and forced you to get rid of everything precious, how can you trust him?


AJ: ngh! (maybe she's right)


--A.N. (thinking)

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Jade: (turns to Crystal) it's not what i've done with him, it's about what Pearl will do to him


AJ: i won't let you hurt anyone! (runs towards Jade, he goes to punch her but suddenly Arkaraz grabbed AJ's arm)


Jade: (smiles) oh i won't hurt you (smiles evilly) i'll have Arkaraz KILL you! (suddenly with one huge throw Arkaraz tosses AJ a side and off the nearby cliff)


--i'm assuming this is going on near the Slifer dorms

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"AJ!" screamed Crystal. She saw him tumble down and at once Destiny Hero Plasma jumped after him. She turned to Jade. "You're going to pay for that!" At once Relinquished appeared. "Don't think your duel spirit'll save you, have you forgotten Relinquished's effect that he can take on any monster? He's going to eat your Arkaraz up!" At once Relinquished moved in to absorb Arkaraz.

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AJ: (caught hold of a tree branch and held on for dear life) this is not the way i wanted to spend my afternoon!!!


Jade: (to Crystal) well now, Relinquished huh? don't worry i have something for you too, go Demonic Seal!




(suddenly Relinquished was stopped from moving) Jade: i could have Arkaraz defeat him but there's no fun in it now, guess i'll take my leave (dashes off once Arkaraz returned to her card)


AJ: (sees Plasma heading towards him) i could use a little help here (suddenly Ruby appeared next to him)


Ruby: huh? what's wro......(sees Plasma) MONSTER!!!!!!!! (dives back into her card)

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