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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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--just making sure i'm not wasting time


Nightshroud: (to AJ) at this rate she'll never break


AJ: (thinks) Nightshroud's right, the more time we waste here the more of a chance Peter is in trouble (to "Peter") you know what? you're right, i can't believe i was too stupid not to realize it, i guess you're really Peter

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"I'll start," said Chris. He drew. "First I'll play Graceful Charity. Now I'll draw three and discard two." He did so. Crystal noted the cards he discarded - Crawling Dragon and Blue Eyes White Dragon. She frowned. Dragon cards? This can't be right ... shouldn't he have a warrior deck?


"Next I'll play Axe Raider in attack mode. And now I'll throw a face down and end." Crystal drew.


"Not a bad opening. Now I'll play Breaker the Magical Warrior! And next I'll use Mystical Space Typhoon on your face down. Now Breaker, destroy Axe Raider!"


Chris - 7800

Crystal - 8000


"I'll throw a face down and end my turn."


Chris drew. "I'll set a monster. That is all."


Crystal drew. "Breaker, attack that face down!" The face down was flipped up to reveal Backup Gardna.


"Tough luck Crystal, it was Backup Gardna. Now I can discard one card from my hand." She watched him discard Baby Dragon.


Chris - 7800

Crystal - 7700

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"I'll end my turn."


Chris drew. "Now I'll play Gearfried the Iron Knight. I'll throw two more face downs, and that is it."


Crystal drew. "Ha! I'll remove one spell counter off Breaker to destroy the second face down! Now I'll use Magical Dimension. I'll tribute Breaker to Special Summon Dark Magician! That's not all - I'll use Magical Dimension to destroy Gardna. Now Dark Magician, attack Gearfried!"


"Trap card, Negate Attack!"


"Fine, I'll end my turn."


Chris drew. "Now I'll play this - Dark Scorpion Burglars. Now I'll use Double Summon, and by tributing my two warriors my Buster Blader will appear." He smiled nastily. "At last, the two arch-enemies meet on the battlefield. Now Buster Blader, let's say goodbye to that Dark Magician. Go, attack him!" The figure of Buster Blader ran at Dark Magician, blade poised to attack...

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AJ: (turns and notices Crystal is no where in site) Crystal?


Azazel: my seige, Crystal is dueling her counter part, she maybe in danger


AJ: oh no! Azazel, take me there


Azazel: yes my lord (leads AJ to where Crystal and Chris were currently dueling)

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"Trap card, Magic Cylinder!" At once the damage was dealt to Chris instead.


Chris - 5200

Crystal - 7700


"Fine, I'll end my turn."


Crystal drew. "Go, reload!" She redrew. "Now I'll play Pot of Greed." She drew two more. "Now it's time to show who's boss here! I'll activate Super Fusion! Now by taking both Dark Magician and Buster Blader-"


"NO!" yelled Chris as he came to realisation just what was going to happen.


"Oh yes, now they'll create a monster known as Dark Paladin! Next I'll use Mage Power on Dark Paladin. Although he may only gain 500 more attack points, guess what happens when I lay two more face down."


"No ... 1000 more attack points..."


"Exactly. And adding on to his special effect, you seem to have 3 dragon cards in your graveyard, which gives my Dark Paladin a grand total of 3000 more attack points, which makes 5900, enough to take you out! Dark Paladin, ATTACK AND WIN THIS DUEL!" The Spellcaster ran and attacked Chris. There was a huge cloud of smoke and Chris was knocked onto the floor, his life points at 0. Dark Paladin vanished and Crystal stood where she was. Chris got up.


"You were only lucky this time," he hissed. "I'll be back, you mark my words." He turned round and fled.

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Jade: (watching the events from a nearby tree) hehe, awww look at all the little puppets dance, isn't it cute how caring for someone can lead to such chaos?


Arkaraz: yes madam, it seems like these duelists are so driven by protecting one another they fail to see the truth


Jade: i appears so (sighs) and to think i thought my double would be more then just a pretty face, guess i was wrong, they aren't as smart as they look

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