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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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AJ: can Koga really beat this guy?


Nightshroud: (appearing beside him) it seems like you'll need me after all


AJ: what do you mean?


Nightshroud: your friend Peter, he's in danger again, his counterpart Pearl has taken him over and is now attempting to end him (AJ's eyes widen)



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"Where Leo?" asked Crystal. "I can't see her." Suddenly there was a distressed cry from her deck. Her Chaos Command Magician appeared, and Crystal frowned.


"What is it?" she asked. At once something wasn't right. Her Chaos Command Magician never appeared unless she needed him. It was always her Dark Magician that appeared...


"Buster Blader is nearby, and he's more powerful than before," explained Chaos Command Magician. "Not even Sorcerer of Dark Magic can handle him, he's that powerful."




"Exactly. Please, hurry, they're near!"

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Crystal didn't know who to attend to. Leo was claiming he could see Julia, Koga was duelling, Pete wasn't being himself, and Chris and Buster Blader were fast approaching. It was chaos on all sides. However she had to deal with the most prominant problem; Chris.


She immediately ran away to try and see where Chris was. If Buster Blader was going to be such a big problem, she couldn't let her Dark Magician shatter. They shared the same blood (OoC: not literally, but are so close they seem to share the same blood) and she wouldn't be able to bear it if Buster Blader killed him.

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Nightshroud: (becoming visable to both of them) looks like the jigs up, you know ireally hate when villians like you give villian's like me a bad name, becuase unlike you (smiles evilly) i CAN send people to the shadows!


AJ: spit it out, WHERE'S PETER!?

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Julia: You just don't know Right From Wrong. They saved you because your a good duelist. You'd help them and they won't have to lift a finger. They're Traitors.


Thoughts: Hmm, I may just get him. He'll crack and I'll take him in. He'll be my Adversary if this works

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Crystal saw a nearby duel taking place and recognised that voice.


"You're too easy. Now I'll play The Warrior Returning Alive and I choose Maurauding Captain. And now I'll play that very monster I just returned. And guess what? I'm going to Summon another Maurauding Captain. Next I'll use Raigeki which means all your hard-built defence is going bye bye. Now go, my captains, attack directly and win!"


Student - 0000

Chris - 500


She saw Chris walk away from the fallen student. He saw her and smirked.


"Hello Crystal, I was hoping to run into you. And so was my friend." His Buster Blader appeared just as her Dark Magician appeared.


"And so was I - not that willingly. How many students have you knocked out?" she demanded.


"Oooh, quite a few. You see, they don't appreciate my deck entirely. Unlike you of course."


"I don't, so you can go and shove your self-stuffed ideas up your ar-"


"Yeah, I get the image. Buster's having a lost of fun, but he really wants is to fight a magician." Crystal felt her disk activating.


"None of us will die if I do this, but if Buster wants to face a magician, he's got a whole deck to face," she snarled. "So if you want to duel - game on!" Chris smiled slyly as he too activated his disk.


"After this duel, you'll never be complete because my Buster Blader will knock you out by miles. Now let's duel!"

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