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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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OOC: Do other RPs that you two take part in or host experience this problem, or is this one the only RPG bearing the curse of the Page Hider?


Koga felt a chilling breeze, and thought he might have seen someone on a patch of grass in the distance, covered with frost. Koga blinked and it dissapeared. (Nothing there, it was just a passing bird's shadow, that's all.)

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"About twelve, seven or so were found in the same place at the same time but the others were all found in different places, indicating different opponents."


OOC: My 9-year old brother's wanting half an hour on the computer and will soon evict me, but I'll be back on straight after that.

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In the nurses office.


Kaisa:Wake up Sire...


Seijin:huh? What's up?


Kaisa:We have used our abilities to heal you, you may still be sore but at least your healthy.


Seijin:Thanks, well, I got to go.


Kaisa:Sire you should rest longer...


Seijin:again, Thanks,but I have to help, I promised AJ That I would. No matter what.(Takes Bandage off head.) You coming?


Kaisa:Yes my Liege.

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Mistress, Koga has ran into his oppsite.


Really? He could be in trouble! Quick!


Remember the spare pendant you have? Give it to Koga. I'll lead the way. Crystal followed him and saw Koga and his opposite ready to duel. At once she grabbed the rainbow pendant and threw it at Koga.


"Here, catch!" she yelled.

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OOC: I accidently deleted my post thanks to some confusion over the Page Hiding post, oh well.


Koga: "Thanks Crystal." Koga grabbed the amulet, then turned to face Akuma. "I'll start shall I? I'll set a monster, and leave it at that for now.

Akuma: Akuma drew. "Very well. First I summon Icicle Zombie Archfiend to the Field in attack mode!"

Koga: (Icicle what?) thought Koga.


Akuma: "And now, go and attack Koga's facedown, Icicle Claw Crush!"

Koga: "Sorry Akuma, but my facedown was the Icicle Dragon 1, which can't be destroyed by battle, so my monster stays!"


Akuma: Akuma smiled as the attack bounced off. "Don't you mean my monster, Koga? My Archfiend can take control of an Icicle monster it attacks, so it looks like I've got another monster! And now I'll activate Double Summon, so I can summon my Icicle Zombie Reindeer in attack mode."


"I'll end my placing a facedown, so it's your move Koga. Although if I were you I wouldn't even bother fighting back."


To be continued...

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AJ: (exits Crowler's class after the test and sighs) Slifer or Obelisk, his tests are still a pain (suddenly Ruby emerged from her card)


Ruby: AJ!! Koga's in trouble, one of those bad-shadow-look-a-like-people are dueling him!!!


AJ: ngh! Ruby, show me the way


Ruby: come on!!! (AJ follows Ruby to the location of the duel)

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