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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Luke walked out of his dorm room, he decided to skip class to go hang out by the tree were he saw Rinslet and Seijin and see if one of them showed up, Luke climbed up the tree and plugged in a mini-amp he had brought with him for his duel disk guitar and began strumming heavy power chords, until he started playing really high notes that blended into a melody that could have been heard throughout the academy.

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"Relinquished!" cried Crystal as she ran over to him. Pearl had forced her way out of him. "Are you alright?"


Fine as ever Mistress. Go through the deck and bring me a Red Medicine card. Crystal did as he said and handed the card over. A bottle full of red liquid appeared and he drank it. His wound healed. Thank you.


No need. Well, it seems as if I'll have to face Chris and his Buster Blader some time soon ... and it's going to be Dark Magician against Buster Blader. This isn't going to be pretty.


No, especially since they are partners. But Mistress, I have an idea... At once he lead her down to the beach and she began to dig the sand, looking for something. She found it; two hidden cards. Knowing she would need this against Chris, she placed them in her deck and retreated back to the main school building.

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OOC:Oficially, There has been a large mess as there have been clones of Pete and Crystal, I made it so you fainted for the rest of the day(so as to not hurt continuity) and my character is trying to find out your name(he still refers to you as "The girl". It's just about time for class and my character is playing hookey near the Slifer dorm.

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Aaron retreated to his room in his now usual, silent fashion. He took out his deck and drew Wulf. "Who is your opposite..?" he wondered, half fascinated, half afraid. "Well it doesn't matter now." He drew out his laptop and set up a simulation duel against replicas of Pete, AJ and Crystals decks.

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OoC: I might as well tell you since you'll have to know about it eventually, Anti guys decks are opposite to the decks the protagonists have. Basically, Chris will have a Warrior deck as opposed to Spellcasters, hence the reason why he's got Buster Blader as his duel spirit

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"Pearl and Chris are mine and Peter's counterparts," said Crystal. "Pearl just tried to murder Peter but luckily we were on hand to stop them. I've encountered Chris, he almost destroyed my Dark Magician ... it's basically war Sean."


OoC: you've got a water deck, if you use aqua, sea serpent and fish monsters you'll be up against (in order) pyro, reptile, thunder

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