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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Michael: "My go! I set a monster, I activate Double Summon! I sacrifice my monster for Criosphinx! I sacrifice him to special summon Exxod in Defense mode! I get one Exodia Piece! I set a card and end."


Kiaba: I activate Sword and Shield! Now your Exxod has 0 DEF, next I summon Kiaser Seahorse! I activate My own Double Summon! Kiaser counts as two sacrifices for LIGHT monsters! So I summon Blue Eyes White Dragon and equip him with Fairy Meteor Crush! Blue Eyes, attack Exxod!


Michael: "Argh! Darn it! My turn! I activate Pot of Greed! I activate Jar of greed as well! now I activate Monster Reborn! to Resummon my Sangan! and I set another monster, and I activate Last Will! I summon Witch of the Black Forest! I end" LP: 5000

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--lol at your post JZ, and to answer, probably Atticus, as long as they're female


Joey: to AJ think that girl can beat Mai?


AJ: by that girl you mean Crystal, and yes i know she can


Joey: you seem pretty confindent in her


AJ: she's my gf, if i wasn't i'd be in trouble

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OOC:I want to duel someone famous! hmm.....let's see. I'm in Domino....I'm a young duelist in needs of inspiration....I know I'll duel Espa roba! nah....


Seijin: I guess, I still miss them all. but I can't go back....they would'nt accept me after all that.


????:are you sure about that?


Seijin: (looks up in disbelief) no way....

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--why not Mako? Rex? ah ha! Weevil!!! lol


Mai: (thinking) this kid's not bad (draws) i'll summon Bird Fcae to the field in attack mode (1600) then i'll activate my facedown Icrarus Attack trap card, i'll destroy Birdface and destroy your face down and decoy dragon (both cards shattered) then i'll equip my Cyber Shiled to my Harpie (2300) now attack her Gardna!

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Kiaba: "I activate Pot of Greed. Now I activate Dark Hole, and then Monster Reborn. Attack! Game."


Michael: Right when Blue Eyes was going to finish it, Exodia came from his seal "My monster was Emissary of the Afterlife! Exodia, OBLITERATE!


All of a sudden, the moniter turns off


Kiaba: "Good game, Michael."


Michael: "Good game, it was an honor."


Kiaba: "It was my honor, thank you."


Michael: "I'll see you later." He walked out of the building

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