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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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OOC: Awesome he didn't get a card making job >_> but now you gave me a great idea!


"No I'm just putting faith in you two this time!" *smiles*




"Huh? oh it's pegsis again... ~Beep~ hello?"


Pegasis: Ah, hello Pete!


"Pegasis! Hows the biz?"


Pegasis: going well, actualy I called to ask you about a job...


"Did you say job!?"


Pegasis: mm-hm, yes that's right, I would like to employ you, after graduation of cource!


"You want me to make cards and I get to stay with my friends untill graduation!? that's perfect, I'll take it!"


Pegasis: Exelent, actualy if it's alright, i can give you software to design them while you're home during the holidays!


"Realy!? That's great!"


Pegasis: Ok then, it'll be ready by the time you get home, and I can also get you to see real pros after graduation too...


"did you say pros?"


Pegasis: Yes...


"Wonderful, of course I'll do it!"


Pegasis: Very well, I'll be expecting great things from you after the hollidays! ~Beep~

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Michael: "Let's see.....Epic Actions List....I invited a famous duelist and beat him.....Epic Return with secret Exodia related code videos as clues and come back to get rid of Crowler, the person who'd probably expell me...but I'd have to be expelled..... Let's see, what else. Oh, this will do.."

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