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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Seijin: How long have I been out?

Draco: I can't tell. The time for your mental and physical training could range from days to months....

Seijin:Is that what I was doing?

Kaisa: Yes...I managed to hone your skills sire. you are ten times stonger than you used to be.

Draco: and now there's actually some brains in your head.


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Seijin: (preparing anxiously for the festival) I can't wait! we'll all have so much fun!

Draco:Hold your horses there meatsack and listen up!

Seijin: What?

Draco: The festival is long over.....

Seijin: so you guys made me miss it! Poor Rinslet...I was gonna help her cope with people....

Draco: Oh believe me she didn't care.....

Kaisa:No don't do it!

Draco:This is what they really think of you!(He shows him the events of the Past couple of days and only what was said negatively of him)

Kaisa:You bastard!

Seijin:So they really don't like me, eh?

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Michael: "Dude, chill. We NEVER said that about you. You are the strongest and toughest person I know, and I respect you the most out of everyone here, including myself. Now the Seijin I know wouldn't let this overcome him. After all, exactly HOW trustworthy is Draco again?"

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