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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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"Now I'll activate my other face down, Jar of Greed! Now I get another draw." She drew. "Thanks for the wishing Pete but I think it'll be you who needs the luck. I use Polymerization to merge my Gaia the Fierce Knight and Curse of Dragon to form Gaia the Dragon Champion! Now I'll play Giant Trunade. Go Gaia, attack Jimmy Kudo!"


Crystal - 6550

Pete - 7900



"I'll throw a face down and end."

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OOC: Lol, you built a deck out of that? XD


IC: Rinslet woke up to see no-one had even found that she had passed out and had to be rushed to the Nurse and revitalized... Oh well... Could be worse, she thought. She gets up,


"Woah woah, Hun. Where do you think you're going?" Ms. Fontaine stopped Rinslet


"I-i... I wanted to go see my friends..."


"Nonono, you could be very sick! Now go lie back down."


Rinslet nodded and sat down on her bed, she looks down to see one of her knee-high socks had been torn in her fall, "Aww... These were my favorite." She checks the rest of her uniform to see if anything else was ripped. Everything was all clear. She lied down on the cot... Gee, it was more comfortable than her bed... Egh, she needs to get into Ra. She fantasizes about summoning Triton, and the Lady Of Angels... She draws her Polymerization... and summons Ultrace, Finale Angel... she imagined all of this happening to Peter... she giggled at the thought of her dueling him. She knew something that awesome would never happen... He's so good... and she's so... not.

OOC: Ergh... Page Hider... >.>;

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"I'll use my Curse of Royal on your Heavy Storm," said Crystal. "Now when your Jimmy attacks, I'll activate Star Draw!"




"Now I get to draw six cards." She drew six.


Crystal - 4050

Pete - 8000


OoC: present time...


Crystal drew. "I now play Giant Trunade. Next I'll put into play the field spell Fusion Gate! Next I'll play Closed Gate of the Different Dimension."




"Now I'll use Fusion Gate to fuse three Blue-Eyes White Dragons together to create Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragons! He's quite a looker isn't he? Well he will be when he attacks your Jimmy Kudo!"


Crystal - 4050

Pete - 6000


"I throw a face down and end."

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