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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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[beach- Before class: 1:50PM]


"Ahhh... why do I always come here... oh well"




"Hm? My mobile?... Unknown caller...? Uh hello?"


???: Hello, Peter


"W-Who is this!?"


???: I'm surprised one of the best acadamy duelests doesn't know my voice...


"Wait... Maximilion Pegasis!?"


Pegeasis: The one and only!


"Why are you calling me?"

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--hi, i'm andrew joeseph maxwell. everyday 1 out of 5 rp's are struck with a deadly annoying case of page hider, although this can't be prevented, we can do something about it, for just 4 posts a page WE can get rid of the page hider! maybe not for good, but for the time being, ave our RP's, help stop the page hider!


*this is a PSA of the YCM page hider emilimnation counsel

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OOC: Same great ph jokes!


~Space time rewind~


"I get to cut class!?"


Pegasis: Just for today, I need a chat seeing as you've made quite a name for yourself


"Shouldn't you be talking to Crystal then? She's more popular"


Pegasis: No... I feel i should give the 'target' as half the acadamy knows you as a break


"I have a nickname!?"


Pegasis: Meat me at the docks we'll talk there


"Can I tell my friends?"


Pegasis: Afterwards


"Fine" *leaves*

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"Blame Damion's bad skills," muttered Crystal. She left for her dorm and changed into an identical uniform. She kept three sets, just in case she ended up wet or smelling bad. She soon rejoined AJ. "Never again am I sitting close to the front row, are you?"

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