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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Rinslet smirked, "Go! Raze! Finish him off, Angel Typhoon!" She had just beaten one of the better Obelisk Blue's.... Raze had so much power! It made her feel powerful on the inside... But something just.... wasn't right about him. Rinslet walks over and finds Crystal... She had never dueled her before... but she was pretty good from what she understood... She made a quick decision on whether or not to duel her.... She decides too. She runs up to Crystal, "Uhm.. could I-...Could I duel you?"

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AJ: (to Rinselt) Seijin is pretty creepy i'll give him that, but that's no reason to be scared of him (to Michael) i watched Crystal duel DMG and watch Damion hit on DD Warrior Lady <_<' he was DD Assailant (sighs) why does he remind me of Atticus so much

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