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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Dark Magician was following them. Even though only the eagle had seen him, at least another duel spirit had pointed them in the direction. He just stood over the unconscious Crystal, wishing his magical arts would work on humans. Then Relinquished spoke, and everyone could hear him.


Quickly take my Mistress to the infirmy, something I know not of has happened.

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OoC: what I love is that everyone's running over to me, but hardly anyone went to find Pete! XD


"Thousand-Eyes Restrict lead Crystal to the woods," explained Dark Magician. "There was a lot of smoke but it's all cleared now. When they arrived, we saw my partner Buster Blader standing just there-" He pointed with this staff. "-and then she passed out shortly afterwards."

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-- 5 STARS BABY!!! I DECALRE CAKE!!! THE COOKIE VERSION!! (hands out cookie cake to everyone RPing) hehe, i'm like a 5 star resturant! XD


AJ: (now in the infermary with Peter Koga Aaron and Fontaine, holding Crystal's hand why'll she lays in her bed) is she going to be alright?

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"1000 Eyes Restrict? But I thought he was on Crystal's side." Koga looked at Crystal, worried for his friend's life.


OOC: I've just thought of something; if Crystal's battling ???? and ???? uses Buster Blader when Crystal has her DM out, if she used Super Polymerization she could make Dark Paladin. It's completely random, but would make an awesome finisher or comeback move.

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Now Ruby, calm down. Thousand Eyes Restrict may be my elder, like Dark Sage is to Dark Magician, but I am worried. Something may have happened to him - which is unnatural for one with more power than I - for he has just told me he cannot remember a thing. If I am right, there may be a very dark force. After all - the storm cloud approaches.


"Storm cloud?" repeated Dark Magician. "Relinquished, what are you talking about?"


I suspect I know what has happened to Crystal. But I dare not say, for it may change what is to come if I say now...

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--i was refering to restrict, but alright


Ruby: (sweatdrops) i still have a cooler effect then her does


AJ: (to both duel spirits) enough you two, arguing isn't going to help Crystal recover


Ruby: sry :(

AJ: well whatever is about to happen we can take it down, we beat Phantom and the Shadow Vipers, if we're together we can deafeat them easily


Ruby: yeah!!!

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OoC: her? lol! And btw I've been given permission from Pete to control his char.


"Bickering will get us nowhere. Relinquished, if it will change fate, do not say it," added Dark Magician. "All we can do is hope Crystal wakes up. Peter, I hear you too suffered from gas, did this happen to you too?" Peter nodded.

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