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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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OoC: I know but ... y'know, still hurts



DMG: no monsters, 1 face down

Crystal: Dark Paladin, one face down, Future Fusion, 0 cards in hand



DMG - 5100

Crystal - 8000


NOTE: The information above is subject to the writer's memory. Facts may change. For more information, please backtrace over the pages and re-read the duel. Terms and conditions don't apply. Don't see in store for details, I don't have a store.

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NOTE: The information above is subject to the writer's memory. Facts may change. For more information' date=' please backtrace over the pages and re-read the duel. Terms and conditions don't apply. Don't see in store for details, I don't have a store.



OOC: LOL :) That's clever! I'll use one facedown


DMG: Argh... I draw, I activate Dark Magic Curtain and Summon Dark Magician in Attack position! Next I play MST and destroy your facedown! Next I equip Black Pendant to DM and Attack Dark Paladin! That's all"

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OOC: Why do the good die young? Poor, poor posts. If only they didn't have PHD, page hider disease. If only donors had come sooner? Don't let that happen to someone else, you don't want your posts to have a PHD? Just donate 140000 points to me. I promise I won't keep it and spend it for myself ;)

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Crystal turned off her duel disk. Suddenly about fifty male students who had witnessed the duel came over.


"Duel me, duel me!" "No, duel me!" "Can I have your picture?" "I want your autograph!" "Hey, what's your name anyway?" they all shouted in a garble. At once Chris leapt over and came skidding in front of Crystal.


"Get back from her," he said. He was holding both his jousting swords. "Or else I'll joust you lot." Grumbling the crowd retreated. Chris turned to Crystal. "Are you OK?"


"I'm fine. I didn't know you were coming!"


"Did you really think I wouldn't? It gives me a chance to wear this."


"That looks a bit stiff..." At once Crystal punched him hard on his knee. Chris tried to bend down but his stiff armour and foam dragon stopped him. Crystal laughed and Plasma appeared, carrying her over the grounds, while Chris hopped over, trying to catch up with her.

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"For goodness sake Michael!" yelled Crystal. If her Plasma hadn't ducked fast, they would have been knocked out of the air. Soon Plasma dropped her by Michael. By then Chris joined them, riding his Curse of Dragon.


"Thanks Crystal," he said sarcastically. Crystal laughed.


"Next year, don't go as Gaia the Dragon Champion," she said. "Or any Gaia cards for that matter. Go as something like Celtic Guardian. Or even as Elemental Hero Burstinatrix." She said this with a grin.


"Do I look like a drag queen?" he demanded.


"Talking of which-" She pointed over Chris' shoulder and to an ongoing parade where men had donned on female duel spirit clothing. "Hey, let's go and have a look! I hope someone has dressed as Harpie Lady Sisters."

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Michael: He waited 'till they left, and jumped up on his feet "I said I was a performer, and a comedian, now to fly WITHOUT purposly crashing, and Chaos, the crash idea was NOT a good one,

MoBC: 'I figured crashing like such would be fun for you, and I was kidding

Michael: "Anyway, I'm heading back to the festival grounds, time for some more victims." He said with a smirk

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