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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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Michael: "Well, well. I see everyone's having fun." He said to himself "I wonder where Seijin and Rinslet are." He thought again "I guess for now a fly will do good. I can see everything from up here! Hey! there's AJ!" He was going to fly down when he hit the ferris wheel. He fell to the ground with a thud. "Maybe later." He said in pain

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--i guess so


AJ: (looks over at her) my brother was right, she does look just like her


DMC: (surrounded by boys) hehe, so all of you want to duel?


Random Boys: yes! duel me duel me! i'll take you on! are you single?!


DMC: (looks around) hmmmm.......i pick... (notices Crystal and points to her) you!

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AJ: (looks at Micheal' limping form) thanks, you ok?


DMG: guess i will, i'll play 2 cards face down, then i'll bring forth my Skilled Dark Magician (1900) then i'll activate my Magical Absorbtion spell card, now each time a spells activated i'll gain 500 LP's and thats 1 counter for my Magician, i'll end my turn there

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"Oh dear, you seem to be pretty predictable," said Crystal as she drew. "First I'll play my Obnoxious Celtic Guardian, next I'll activate Double Summon so I can bring to the field Marauding Captain, and with his special effect another Marauding Captain will be placed on the field. Next I'll throw a face down and end."

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DMG: hm? i aplogize if i am' date=' maybe i can change thing up a bit first i'll play pot of greed and draw 2 cards (gains 500) then i'll discard my Apprentice Magician and activate Lightning Vortex





OOC: For the record, that would be three counters so, out comes Dark Magician.

Michael: He saw Peter "Hey! I look like an emo, suicidal, face paint wearing idiot! So don't complain! You look great!"

Magician of Black Chaos: "Ahem!"

Michael: "Sorry."

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--be paitent awesome, with paitence comes great rewards......like cookies!!!

DMG: cool, now that i have 3 counters on my monster i'll sacrifice him and bring out my Dark Magician! (2500) next i'll activate my MST and destroy your facedown to the left, now Dark Magician attack her directly!


AJ: come on Crystal! you can beat this creeply similar look alike (to Peter) you do look cool in the costume, don't hassle yourself

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"I knew you would do that," said Crystal when DMG used her Skilled Dark Magician's effect. "Which is why my face down happens to be Divine Wrath! Now by discarding the card I hold, your effect doesn't activate and SDM is destroyed."

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DMG: oh no! (SDM was destroyed) hmmm :( that stinks (all the boys boo Crystal)


AJ: (sweatdrops) tough crowd


DMG: guess i'll place 1 more card face down and end


--we'll have to continue this in a bit, my computer is being slow so it needs time to rest, plus i have to go eat, back soon guys

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