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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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"Crystal... I'm leaving the Academy... My dad has escaped from the mental asylum and now my whole town is in danger. i just wanted to let one of you know before I left."


OoC: The REAL reason is because I'm not really enjoying this RP anymore and my character has no large reason to stick around.

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OoC: ............

Well I suppose we are leaving you out.................But then we're loosing one of our majors...


"Aaron, that's awful," said Crystal gently. "I suppose if you have to really go back ... is his condition really dangerously bad?"

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Michael: As he walked away, he bumped into somebody with the same costume. "Ugh! Sorry."

????: "I'm looking for a kid named Michael, have you seen him." He pulled out his staff and charged it

Michael: "That's me!"

Magician of Black Chaos: "Hello, Michael! Nice to see you again."

Michael: "Good thing I got out of there, I could've sworn I was going to cry right there...."

Magician of Black Chaos: "I see, no one likes embarassement. I see the festival is as good as ever...."

Michael: "You know about it?"

Magicia of Black Chaos: "Yes."

Michael: He still wondered (Crystal doesn't wear that kind of clothes. Huh, weird.) The paint still hid the blushing.... barely

Magician of Black Chaos: "I see Exodia is in good health."

Exodia: 'Yes, I am. Good to see you.'

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--i hate to see you leaving queen' date=' we're gonna miss you, i didn't read that far back, has the festival happened yet?


AJ: (got up and changed into his Obelisk uniform and walked out of the dorms) i wonder where everyone is?



OOC: The festival, costumes, etc etc

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--sry, i didn't see your post at first, let's try that again


(AJ awoke on the day of the festival, his breaker costume came the night before and was sitting in his room, he got up and changed into the costume, he grabbed the sword and swung it downard) AJ: even though i wasn't into cosplay, this is pretty cool (walks out of the dorm and heads off to the festival near the slifer dorms)

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Michael: "Exodia, OBLITERATE!" He had defeated another duelist in costume, he went over to shake his hand, "Good game!" this was his 3rd, and was the best way he could think of to have fun. "Well, I need a break." He flew to see what else there was to do.

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Crystal giggled. "Thank you Breaker. Let's get going, but we'll have to go slower, I can't walk fast in these heels. No running either!" They made their way to the celebrations. "Hey, there's that Dark Magician Girl...."


OoC: are you going to play her AJ?

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