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Vanilla Rain

dead draw

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Evil Dragon Ananta x2*2

Gagagigo x3

Alien Shocktrooper x3

Venom Cobra x3

Marshmallon x1

Skreech x3*1

Grandora x2*2

Card Trooper x1



Snake Rain x3

Hand Destruction x2

Giant Trunade x2*2

Dark Factory of Mass Production x2*2

Foolish Burial x2

Smashing Ground x1

MST x1

Heavy Storm x1

Monster Reborn x1



Solemn Judgement x3*1

Offering to Snake Deity x2*2

Mirror Force x1

TT x1*1


side deck:15

Exodius x2

Exodia and his limbs x5

Dark Eruption x3

Royal Decree x2

Imperial Iron Wall x2

Spirit Reaper x1


now let me explain. The point of the deck is in the first round to use Snake Rain to juice up Ananta. After the first duel you side all the cards with the stars by them and side in the entire side deck (minus Imperial Iron Wall. Only side in if they run Macro). So then when your opponent is ready for Ananta, you drop Exodius and they go "WTF?!?" It's a new concept I've made up. I know the deck isn't great, but I will be sure to post a better one around the same concept (changing the theme of your deck through your side deck)


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