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Silent Omega

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"Yes? What is it?!" he said impatiently. He sat in a mechanical wheelchair, and had a metal plate over half his skull. "Dr. Finkelstein, at last! These fellows like to borrow one of your marvelous inventions!" the Mayor explained. "Aah, yes! My inventions! C'mon in, and I'll give you what you need!" Dr. Finkelstein went inside on his wheelchair and up to the second floor.

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"Of course I have!" replied Dr. Finkelstein irritated. "I have just finished an invention that allows a person to travel between the continuums of space! I think I put it on my..." as they entered a room, they found an empty table, and an open window. "NO! MY INVENTION! THOSE DAMN OOGIE'S BOYS HAVE DONE IT AGAIN!!"

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