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Silent Omega

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Alexandra took a small paper from her pocket, along with a pen. She scribbled down something, and left it at the stage floor. Then she rushed into the portal.




Alexandra appeared beside Alex, and they stood in a graveyard. "Waaah!! What is this place?!" she yelped. In response, several ghouls, ghosts, witches and all kinds of dark beings appeared, as they sang a creepy, blood-chilling song:

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"Hmmm...I was afraid that he'd might be! That's why he told me to help you, in the case he WOULD! Oh, Mayor!" he shouted, and a small, chubby man appeared, his face red and grinning. "Yeeees, Jack Skellington?" he said in a jolly tone. "I need you to lead our friends here to Dr. Finkelstein's Observatory!" Jack replied. "Okie Dokie! This way, my friends!" the Mayor leaded the way.

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"Hmmm?" the Mayor turned around, but his head didn't, and his second, blue face became active. "W-Well...that's because I-I have...t-two sides!" it stuttered in a frightened tone. "One sad and scared..." he turned around again, and his other face began to move. "...and one happy, optimistic one! Now, shall we continue?" he continued to walk.

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