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Silent Omega

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Ooc: Ok...


IC: "Ugh..." Alexandra got up, and glared at Gaara. Sand flowed on the ground into his gourd. "DAMN YOU!!!" she roared, and charged at Gaara, punching and kicking like crazy. But each of her attacks were blocked by sand walls. "D-Daddy! That guy's not gonna hurt Mommy...right?!" stuttered Gaomon nervously.

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Alexandra jumped away, and made a hand sign. "Kage Bushin No Jutsu!" smoke erupted around her, and several clones appeared. They charged at Gaara, but he stood perfectly still. "Hmpf!" the sand now charged at the clones, and formed to spikes which rained down on them. They disappeared, one after the other, but Alexandra managed to get to Gaara and land a heavy punch in his gut!

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Suddenly, Alexandra felt how Gaara...merged with her hand! She looked up. The Gaara she had punched was just a Sand Clone! She looked behind her, and saw the real Gaara, as the clone now had turned to sand clouds that wrapped around her left hand and foot. "Hmpf! You're too confident!" Gaara scoffed, and stretched out his right hand, aiming it at Alexandra. He quickly clutched it, while shouting, "Desert Coffin!" and with a bone-crushing noise, the sand crushed Alexandra's hand and foot! "AAGGHHH!!!!"

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OoC: I will!


IC: Alexandra grabbed the sword and stood up. "So you WILL fight, huh?" Gaara smirked. "So be it..." Alexandra charged at Gaara, and he unleashed a sand wave at her. It hit, but dispersed into a clone! Another Alexandra grabbed the Hell sword and charged again, but Gaara destroyed the other clone too. As the sword was in the air, the REAL Alexandra grabbed is, and stabbed Gaara in the shoulder before he had time to create a barrier. "GAAAAHHH!!!!!"

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Gaara stared at them, with a blood frenzied look. "N-NO!! THIS...CAN'T BE!!! GGRRRAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!" he raised has hands, and endless streams of sand poured forth, and created a gigantic wall of sand. "SAND TSUNAMI!!!" the sand fell down on Alex and Alexandra, and started to rise. "GIANT SAND BURIAL!!" Gaara pressed his palms to the ground, and the towering sand crushed them.

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"W-WHAT?!" Gaara looked around, and found Alexandra right behind him! "Even if I can't use both my arms, I can still do this! 8 Trigrams: 2 Palms!" she struck Gaara two times. "4 Palms!! 8 Palms!!! 16 Palms!!!! 32 Palms!!!!!" she lunged the last punch at him. "8 TRIGRAMS: 64 PALMS!!!" Gaara spat out blood, and flew crashing into one of his sand walls, which collapsed.

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