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Silent Omega

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"Hmpf.....Stop wasting your time," he raised her up high then put one of his hand on her neck, "I have no further use of you..". Alex walked past the Dark Army, he looked at them with terrible bloodred eyes, then he arrived next to Oblivion. "Let her down Oblivion.." said Alex....

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OoC: Well, I was thinking THIS!


IC: "STOOOOOP!!!!!" as she screamed, something blasted away Oblivion, and crashed him into a wall. The others looked around, and saw a man dressed in a white training suit with a black belt, red boxing gloves and a red bandana around the head. "Who the heck are you?!" shouted Orochimaru. "No one..." the man replied. "Just a Japanese guy trying to find my goal in life......and Ryu is my name..."



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OoC: Alright....But Harry Potter's in!!



"You seem powerful...Ryu...." replied Oblivion, "But not powerful enough!!". Oblivion was about ready when a young boy appeared, "Petrificus Totalus!!" he shouted, then zoblivion fell to the ground, he couldn't move his body. Alex stood still, his eyes closed and he looked down....as if he had no life.....

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Goku focused his Ki, then he used Instant Transmission, and all of them appeared in the Hokage Centre. Fredrik and Lily rushed up and hugged Alexandra. "Oh, Alexandra! My sweet, sweet daughter!! We were soooo worried!!" Lily almost cried, and Fredrik stroke Alexandra's head. "It's ok darling...you're safe now..." he looked at Alex, as his daughter put him down. "What did you mean, 'it's all my fault'?"

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