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Silent Omega

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"NO!!" shouted Alex, he forced her on the bed, then he started kissing her more...


XX Outside XX


"Let me take care of it!!" replied Freddy, he rammed the door and opened it, "Where's Alex?!!" he asked looking at Alexandra as a mess on the bed...and a broken window...with Alex nowhere in sight...

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"Eww..." replied Freddy, he jumped from the window and down, he landed with a thud and looked around him. "Unlce Fredrik!!! I don't think it was Alex who did ths..." Freddy shouted, pointing at what used to be a nice Garden outside...was a wasteland full of gray and brown withered fklowers...

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"I don't know...But whoever did this might have a grudge against you and Dad.." replied Freddy...




Alex stood behind cloacked figures, "Welcome to the Revival..of the Dark Army.." he smirked, the figures pulled their hoodies off....it was the remaing of the Dark Army!!

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Alex smirked, "Don't be like that again.." he said, then turned to the others, "We'll get revenge on that Fredrik and his friends!!". Alex raised up the Sword,armor, and gun that 3 of the FF warriors had given him, they shined up in a bright light...then turned to One Sword, dark....




Auron stepped out of the Neo-Legion base, "It must be him again..".

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Orochimaru smirked, as he stretched out his hands. "Forbidden Style: Reanimation Jutsu!" he called out, and hundreds of Undead rised from their graves.




"Okay, but now we need to find Alex. Fast!" Fredrik replied. "I suggest we search one of the dimensions!" everyone started to talk to eachother, and Fredrik walked away a bit.


OoC: Can you control Lily for awhile?

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OoC:Ok but you need to give me an idea of what to talk about...wait...I gotz an Idea!!




"Very good.." replied Alex, he stood in front of the Undead, "Now to show them what Real power is all about.." He signaled the others to step back..


XX Meanwhile XX


Lilly looked at Fredrik, "That bastard....He took control of Alex and Raped Alexanrda?!!".

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OoC: G2g after this. Need to sleep. >_>


IC: "No, he didn't have time." Fredrik comforted Lily, and hugged her. "But I fear...that if he does it a second time...we won't be able to stop him..."




Alexandra was alone on her room, shocked of what had happened to her. "Why did he do it?" she asked herself.


OoC: I was planning for Alex to go on her again!

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Freddy walked in and sat at the bed, "Look....I know you're pretty confuesd of why my Dad....uhh...You know..." Freddy quickly added, "Well....I didn't think it was him...his...'aura' didn't seem like the normal..one.....I don't know how but...I think somebody took control of him.."

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