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hopeless night dragon

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18| Monsters


3| Light and Darkness Dragon

3| Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

3| Dark Horus

1| Chaos Sorcerer


3| Totem Dragon

1| Dandylion (not sure on)

2| Phantom Of Chaos

2| Red-Eyes Wyvern


16| Spells


2| Foolish Burial

1| Monster Gate

1| Card Of Safe Return

3| Trade-in

2| Allure Of Darkness

3| Hand Destruction

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Heavy Storm

1| Future Fusion

1| Monster Reborn


6| Traps


1| Return From The Different Dimension

2| Threatening Roar

3| Solemn Judgmen


15| Extra Deck




15| Side Deck


3| Core Chimair Drago

12| help

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ok, theres no lightsworns here, you have no reason to call this abomination twilight.


may i recommend:





any of those is lovely.



drop ladd entirely.

drop totem.

in fact, drop a lot of this.

its mostly pointless.

ladd slows you down as much as it does your opponent.

then the rest of the deck becomes useless.


also, bad fix is bad.

what niev card could he possibly use psz with in that deck?

he can make a level 6 with half of it, whoopdeedoo, but the only level 8 is with chaos, and hes strong enough on his own.

then you turned around and made his redrum useless by removing the only worthwhile not-nomi, not-redrum dragon in the deck. then you give him deaddrawdad? smooth.

at least arma is a good idea, but probably not over another poc.



i suggest dropping ladd for blue eyes, then dropping your lower levels for:

3 pocs

3 wyvern

2 masked dragons

and a twin headed behemoth.


your mt lineup is also a bit trolly.


drop the roars, you wont need them

that otk is great with return, but you need a bit more in field clearing for that.

may i recommend a cold wave? or a trunade.


-2 roar

+1 trunade or cold wave

-3 hand destruction

+2 arma

+1 card trooper


you need more monsters to make gate work, and to maintain a field presence.

this should work well.

or better at least.



all fixes:

-1 dandy

-3 totem

-3 ladd

-2 roar

-3 hand destruction


+1 trunade or cold wave

+2 arma

+1 card trooper

+1 poc

+1 wyvern

+2 masked dragons

+1 twinheaded behemoth

+3 blue eyes



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ok' date=' theres no lightsworns here, you have no reason to call this abomination twilight.


may i recommend:





any of those is lovely.



drop ladd entirely.

drop totem.

in fact, drop a lot of this.

its mostly pointless.

ladd slows you down as much as it does your opponent.

then the rest of the deck becomes useless.


also, bad fix is bad.

what niev card could he possibly use psz with in that deck?

he can make a level 6 with half of it, whoopdeedoo, but the only level 8 is with chaos, and hes strong enough on his own.

then you turned around and made his redrum useless by removing the only worthwhile not-nomi, not-redrum dragon in the deck. then you give him deaddrawdad? smooth.

at least arma is a good idea, but probably not over another poc.



i suggest dropping ladd for blue eyes, then dropping your lower levels for:

3 pocs

3 wyvern

2 masked dragons

and a twin headed behemoth.


your mt lineup is also a bit trolly.


drop the roars, you wont need them

that otk is great with return, but you need a bit more in field clearing for that.

may i recommend a cold wave? or a trunade.


-2 roar

+1 trunade or cold wave

-3 hand destruction

+2 arma

+1 card trooper


you need more monsters to make gate work, and to maintain a field presence.

this should work well.

or better at least.



all fixes:

-1 dandy

-3 totem

-3 ladd

-2 roar

-3 hand destruction


+1 trunade or cold wave

+2 arma

+1 card trooper

+1 poc

+1 wyvern

+2 masked dragons

+1 twinheaded behemoth

+3 blue eyes





your trying to make it a more generic hopeless dragon deck. btw a lot of my first turns i get ladd out (stand by phase = hand destruction , ditch totem and redrum, revive totem with effect, remove to summon ladd) and the fact it sp summons after a monster afterward s(which is normally redrum) resulting in my opponent in using a lot of their resources meaning a lot more chance of otking, i know it slows the game down for me, however a big problem with hopeless dragon is that you can be sitting their for a turn or 2 with nothing at least now iv solved the problem by forcing me to save my resources.


however i do agree with your cold wave comment, because i end up never using my roars sometimes.

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