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Needle Worm Rules!!!!

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Hey you use the same strategy as me! High-Five' date=' you're my new best friend!


I recommend putting a morphing jar, d.d dynamite and Gold Sarcophagus in the deck.



I'm making it in real life so if i come by a Gold Sarcophgus for cheap, i will. i like d.d dynamite, a little burn damage is never a bad thing, but wat should take out for it?

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the best way to mill is with Necroface. There's really not much point to run a mill deck without it. Otherwise I'd suggest running a macro/dark dust spirit deck (great budget deck)


I know, but Face is to rich for my blood. but Dust sounds fun, i'll try it out


Edit: oh i jus remembered necroface is coming out as a Limited Edition, so i'll fit him in

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Well my PM isn't working so here it is anyway


[spoiler=My dd deck]




1x Golden Homunculus

1x Breaker

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

2x Gren Maju

2x Bazoo

2x Banisher of the Radiance

1x Marshmallon

1x Morphing jar

2x Needle Worm

1x Cyber Valley

3x D.D. Survivor

3x Scout Plane




1x Gravekeeper's Servant

1x Soul Absorption

1x Soul Taker

1x Fissure

1x Smashing Ground

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Card Destruction

1x Rota

1x Heavy Storm

1x Soul Release

1x MST

2x Book of Moon




3x Macros Cosmos

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Karma Cut

2x DD Dynamite

1x Return from D. Dimension

1x Magic Cylinder


The Deck focuses on burning, as said by the milling and dynamiting. I entered it in my Regionals and came 5th.


P.S. this is my deck, so please don't copy. This is just an example.



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Well my PM isn't working so here it is anyway


[spoiler=My dd deck]




1x Golden Homunculus

1x Breaker

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

2x Gren Maju

2x Bazoo

2x Banisher of the Radiance

1x Marshmallon

1x Morphing jar

2x Needle Worm

1x Cyber Valley

3x D.D. Survivor

3x Scout Plane




1x Gravekeeper's Servant

1x Soul Absorption

1x Soul Taker

1x Fissure

1x Smashing Ground

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Card Destruction

1x Rota

1x Heavy Storm

1x Soul Release

1x MST

2x Book of Moon




3x Macros Cosmos

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Karma Cut

2x DD Dynamite

1x Return from D. Dimension

1x Magic Cylinder


The Deck focuses on burning' date=' as said by the milling and dynamiting. I entered it in my Regionals and came 5th.


P.S. this is my deck, so please don't copy. This is just an example.





Interesting, seems fun

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This is what you call a mill deck? Disgusting. There are so many diffrent strategy fused into this deck that this deck cannot perform efficently. For example.


. Remove all D.D. Dynamite. You do not need them as you have a diffrent win condition. Max out on book of eclipse. Not only do they provide defence as good as threatening roar, they allow you to reuse your flip effect monsters (READ: Needle worm reused. Morphing Jar Reused), and have a draw effect on its own during the end phase.

Chasing your opponent monsters to defence is nifty too.


Remove golden homunculus, breaker, gren maju, bazoo . You are not going for damage, thus use other stalling or destruction cards such as lighting vortex or bottomless trap hole. You will also need to max out soul of absorption to increase life points. Oh and by the way, why is necroface, card destruction missing?


Anyway, remove all non-mill, non-destruction and non-stall cards. Replace Heavy storm with giant trunade(allows you to reuse cards such as swords of revealing light and nightmare steelcage) and you might fair better.

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