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The Ulitmate Dark Synchro + support for it

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Chaos Oblivion Brust

lv-12 Dark

Dragon/Dark Synchro/Effect

"1 Dark Tuner" + "1 Non-Tuner monster"

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card. This card can only be summoned by Dark Synchro Summon. When this card is summomed destroy all cards on the field except this card and inflict 500 points of damage to the controler of each card destroyed by this cards effect. Once per turn, place on Chaos counter on this card (Max.10), for each Chaos counter on this card, this card gains 1000 ATK and DEF.



Reverse Warrior

lv-4 Dark

Warrior/Dark Tuner

During the Battle phase this cards ATK is increased to 2000 until the End-Phase.



Dark Reborn


Select 1 monster in your graveyard and and special summon it your side of the field. The monster summoned by this cards effect lv is then multiplyed by -1 until the end phase.

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