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Seafaring Epidemic! <RP><PG-16>, started and accepting by PM.

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Dominic chuckled. "You do realize, I could sweep your legs right now, then get up and use up four of my cartridges on all four of my guns, all in under 3 seconds. That, AND Schiver won't want to find his first mate dead on the floor. Would he?"

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"Domonic!" Schiver shouted and it sent a moderate spike of fear through Domonic's spine. "Respect for you fellow pirate! Especially those of higher rank! If the pirate is a fool then you'll very well better start respecting a fool!" Schiver said as he gave him a stern look.




Lord Levaithin, appearing in front Orikalies, stopped him in his tracks and gave him a glare. "I commanded you to go to the stone table, did I not?" Lord Levaithin smirked and commanded Orikalies to swim to the bottom of the ocean and gather at the stone table as the rest of the creatures did.



ooc: Lord Levaithin is under the sea so there's like no way to get to him, the Pirate Court is on a hidden island that you could probably find, and the King is on the main land

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Rahfel was standing on a Ship, not just any ship one of the Kings top ships he turned to a young man not even 16 and asked him "Hey, Kid wh'as the pirate we hunting again?" "B-Bobby D-D-Drake." The Sailor said with fear "He High Rank?" Rahfel asked the boy waiting for the young man to leave "Y-Yes S-S-Sir." the Boy answered again. "Rahfel!" the Captain shouted "Where do you think the Pirates are" "I un'know" Rahfel yelled back "Jus hurry an Fin em!"

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