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Assault Mode GOOOOOO!!! V. 3.0

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2x summon priest

2x rose warrior

1x spirit reaper

1x PSZ

3x mystic tomato

1x morphing jar

2x assault beast

1x sangan

1x gorz

3x SDD /b/



2x allure

2x hand destruction

1x card destruction

3x dark eruption

1x reborn

1x brain

1x storm

1x mst

1x trunade

1x lightning vortex

1x assault teleport

1x POA



3x assault mode activate

3x solemn

1x tt


Extra: 15


3x SDD

2x Thought ruler

1x colossal fighter

1x red dragon

1x Dark dive bomber

1x black rose

1x goyo

2x gaia knight

1x magical android

1x armory arm

1x gyzarus


I still need a side deck for this thing...

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