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Pokemon - Etirnity (Accepting)


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Story: It is the year 2080 and Pokemon thrive. They are being hunted because they the shadow pokemon who are now in controll of humans. They are using mind controll. Now you must free them by defeeting the unone boss pokemone who ususe the power from uknone.


Rules (MUST READ) :

1. All basic rules!

2.You lvl up like normal.

3.You evolve each 25 lvls if you have 2 other evolution and 30 if you have only 1 other evolution (Exeption to using a stone to evolve!).

4.No legends!



Shinx (Zeke) (KWLegend)

Riolu (Jake) (TheGiver)



Pokemon or Shadow Pokemon:

Name of Pokemon (no legenddary):


Starting lvl (1-10):


My Aplication:

Pokemon or Shadow Pokemon: Pokemon

Name of Pokemon: Shinx

Nickname: Zeke

Starting lvl (1-10): 5



KWLegend (Shinx: Zeke); lvl 5

TheGiver (Riolu: Jake);lvl 10

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