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Let's Talk Dinosaur for a Change!

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Super Conductor Tyranno and Super-Ancient Dinobeast, disussion on these two Dinosaurs begins!


like SCT, he has a nifty effect if you are hit by Threatoning Roar espicially if you use Black Ptera. SADb is ok especially for a 1 tribute 2700 beatstick, assuming you have dinosaurs out, and also has a built in draw ability. Both are searchable by Witch of the Black Forest in traditional. These are both ok cards, not good in this meta for sure (mabye SCT) but what are your opinions on these two Dinosaurs?

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Fossil Excavaton its a trap, the dino version of call of the haunted, but it negates the effect. but there are quite a few cards that help get dinos out quickly(baby cerasuaruss, hunting instinct, miracle jurassic egg, hydrogeddon) and seismic shockwave is also incredibly helpful if you pick a gilasaurus to return to your hand.

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Super-Ancient Dinobeast > Super Conductor Tyranno


My friend Robert uses a Dino deck. However, he mains Ult Tyranno and SCT.


Super-Ancient Dinobeast is easier to summon, plus there are quite a few cards to Special Summon Dinos. SCT is fine in a well-built Burn Deck I suppose, but it's effect is basically a -2 to you.


Having to Tribute to activate -1

Not being able to attack -1


Besides, why tribute for 1000 when you can attack for 3300?

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Diosaurs can be a good deckbuild, they just need cards that can nuke the field so they can blast through (looking at the gilasaurus/big evolution pill/ultimate offering+any strong dinosaur) and dinoaurs have a OTK that can be pulled off with Ultimate Offering, Black Ptera, Cannon Soldier, and Mystereous Puppiteer, albeit it is a very slow 4-card combo it's fun to use. So don't ruleDinosaurs out of dueling yet.

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Diosaurs can be a good deckbuild' date=' they just need cards that can nuke the field so they can blast through (looking at the gilasaurus/big evolution pill/ultimate offering+any strong dinosaur) and dinoaurs have a OTK that can be pulled off with Ultimate Offering, Black Ptera, Cannon Soldier, and Mystereous Puppiteer, albeit it is a very slow 4-card combo it's fun to use. So don't ruleDinosaurs out of dueling yet.




Yeah the Juracs are going to make it used. BUT IT'S A RREAAALLY MODERATLY BAD Sub type, thing.


BAD JURACs, BAD! It's never gonna win SJC

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Diosaurs can be a good deckbuild' date=' they just need cards that can nuke the field so they can blast through (looking at the gilasaurus/big evolution pill/ultimate offering+any strong dinosaur) and dinoaurs have a OTK that can be pulled off with Ultimate Offering, Black Ptera, Cannon Soldier, and Mystereous Puppiteer, albeit it is a very slow 4-card combo it's fun to use. So don't ruleDinosaurs out of dueling yet.



naah your right i wont rule dinos out right now!


yknow why?


because they have been ruled out for the past 3+ years

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Dinosaurs are what they are, beatsticks. They primarily lack support or swarm ability. they make up for it ATK, or some form of ability like hydrogeddon or tyranno infinity. Super Conductor is pretty much the strongest normal summon lv 8 currently, but that still doesn't justofy his effect, which has nothing to do with dinos save for black tyranno, in lamen, thye're in desperate need for support

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