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My first sig!


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Well, I'm not really a GFXer (yet;))

And I hope I could become one!

So I have made a few variations of my first sig:





Second Varition:





Hope you like them!

Please comment, tell me what I'm doing wrong,

and what I'm doing well ;) (If anything)

And please give me hints and tips for future sig making!


BTW I made this on GIMP,

I do use PS normally but I was on my laptop which I haven't installed it on yet!


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Gonna just critique the first one then say why the others are worse


Actually got a flow going on, but you don't really get everything involved in it

Background is boring and empty

All the effects are really over contrasted

The effects on the left are transparent but in an unrealistic manner as though a solid object is fading away

The sun doesn't really work out, particularly with the lighting

No lighting, depth, or blending


Don't bother with text, you aren't going to get it right for a long time so don't worry about making it

Other versions are over contrasted like hell

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