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Benedict of the Accusation

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[align=center]Ok. This card is designed to negate Spell and Trap cards that target a card. Well, lets get to it!


Benedict of the Accusation

Level 4



ATK 1600

DEF 1250

Effect: If your opponent activates a Spell or Trap cards that would target 1 card on the field (excluding this card), you can discard 1 card in your hand to negate the effect and destroy the card. Then, put 1 Accusation Counter on this card (max. 10). Increase this cards ATK x 300 for each Accusation Counter on this card. When this card is removed from the field, Special Summon 1 "Benedict Token" (Warrior-Type/Level 4/EARTH/ATK ?/DEF ?). The ATK and DEF is equal to the amount of Accusation Counters x 300 when this card was removed from the field. You can only have 1 "Benedict of the Accusation" face-up on the field.


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