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BEHOLDDDD!!! The Strongest Apprentice Monarch Build


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This deck is currently 31-4 on YVD. It draws godly and plays well. It's balanced and requires nothing else. Might put a couple of wing blasts in here, but that'd be all it needs.



41 Cards

25 Monsters


3|Crv|Cyber Dragon

3|Fotb|Raiza the Storm Monarch

2|Sd3|Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

1|Ast|Zaborg the Thunder Monarch


3|Ske|Mystic Tomato

2|Mfc|Apprentice Magician

2|Mfc|Old Vindictive Magician

2|Taev|Crystal Seer

1|Mrd|Magician of Faith

1|Cdip|Snipe Hunter

1|Pgd|Spirit Reaper


1|Dp03|Card Trooper

1|Sd6|Breaker the Magical Warrior

1|Soi|Treeborn Frog


10 Spells


2|Sd10|Pot of Avarice

1|Lod|Creature Swap

1|Ysd|Brain Control

1|Sdy|Soul Exchange

1|Mrd|Heavy Storm

1|Sye|Mystical Space Typhoon


1|Rds|Monster Reincarnation

1|Sd5|Lightning Vortex


6 Traps


2|Ysd|Sakuretsu Armor

1|Mrd|Mirror Force

1|Lon|Torrential Tribute

1|Ston|Pulling the Rug

1|Pgd|Trap Dustshoot




3|Ysd|Dust Tornado

1|Fet|Lightning Vortex

1|Mfc|Spell Canceller

2|Ast|Legendary Jujitsu Master

2|Pgd|Gravekeeper's Spy

2|Ston|Pulling the Rug

2|Eoj|Banisher of the Radiance

2|Fet|Threatening Roar

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Take off a Treeborn Frog, Sangan, & 2 Old Vindinctive Magicians.


Replace them with 2 Magic Jammers and 1 Trap Jammer.


This deck is too vulnerable to S/T Devastation decks.



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