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Pokemon / Digimon crossover-It's The Final Countdown

ElAlo 1237

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Many things have happened over the years in many places. Pokemon trainers gaining the trust of pokemon and Digidestened training there digimon. Evil in many shapes and sizes have tried to rule the world they live on from Geovani to Devimon. However one Evil is from such a world, The digital world, and the Evil that has many powers and secrets of lives of the living and the dead.


The Evil's name is DiGiMon (not a digimon as you know one). DiGiMon is an in-training digimon of massive power and intellect. He is a tiny digimon because of his type, however he is still very strong for he gained the powers of defeted evil digimon from Devimon to Apocalymon. Using the data from the dark digimon, he can Create new life with his hands and destroy with his fist. His digivolved form is not known by anyone, not even DiGiMon.


DiGiMon's plan was to use the powers of other creatures (evolution/digivolution give off huge power while humans imagenation is just as powerful) to take over. He couldn't do the plan one planet at a time, for it would take too long, so he needed to combine planets and worlds to get the full power he needs. He combined his home world (the Digital world), the pokemon world's internet and our world's internet using the power of DNA digivolution X, a compond he made to force two or more nouns(people, places or things) to combine. If he gains the power of the worlds, then he will be invincible.


DoruGreymon, a nobel digimon, saw the power of DiGiMon (see DoruGreymon). He then decided to search for the digidestend of the time. However they wouldn't be able to defet DiGiMon on there own, so DoruGreymon looked for help all over the other worlds. He choose the best trainers and people for the job and gave them a digicore. The digicore let them into the digital world. Unfortionatly, he can't force them to join him and has to let them choose there own path. It is up to the world's chossen heroes to stop this new villain. It is the final countdown.



The roles

Digivolving cycle: (rookie/human-campion/armor-ultamite/DNA-Mega)


DiGiMon's allies


Apemon-DiGiMon's digimon finder. Apemon looks for the digimon DiGiMon wants and captures it with the help of BlackGargomon. Apemon is a wild digimon who attacks ranomly at people, sometimes BlackGargomon.

BlackGargomon-Apemon's assistant. BlackGargomon helps Apemon capture digimon in the Digital World. BlackGargomon is a calm digimon, until Apemon attacks then he attacks back with his Gargo Pellets.

Blimpmon-DiGiMon's transport. Blimpmon never speeks and has no personality.

Hookmon-DiGiMon's driver. Like Blimpmon, Hookmon never speaks and only speaks when he attacks.

Numemon-basic slaves. Numemon are the workers for all the evil villains who work for DiGiMon.


Evil Kingpins


Geovani-Leader of Team Rocket and ruler of northen Digital World. Geavani is a undermind man who wants to be at the top, and DiGiMon has givien him the power to digivolve.(Geovani-Octomon-Dragomon)

Omekamon-Ruler of Toytown and western Digital World. Omekamon is slow and lazy, however when Onimon is captured Omekamon was able to use Onimon's power to rule.

BlackKingNumemon-Ruler of the Eastern Digital World. He is an arogent little digimon who is very weak. He has two Mekanorimon to fight for him.

Richie-Ruler of southen Digital World. Richie wanted to be powerful and rule over the pokemon world. Like Geovani, DiGiMon gave Richie the power to digivolve.(Richie-Woodmon-Charriemon)




DoruGreymon-The leader of the rebel digimon. DoruGreymon is the one who set up the rebel digimon to stop DiGiMon's plan to unfold. Dorugreymon is a wise digimon who sees the inner goodness of all creatures.

HisyaRumon-An ancient digimon. He was one of the first distroyed by DiGiMon, while his data was still around like a ghost to help the rebel army.


Entry forms




Age(if any):

Gender(if any):

side(good or bad):

Tital(Pokemon trainer, Digidestand, Outsider):


Creature(Pokemon or Digimon name):

evolution cycle(if Digimon):

Team(if Pokemon):




Age(if any):

Gender(if any):

Side(good or bad):


evolution cycle(if Digimon):


Heres mine

Name: DiGiMon

Age: None

Gender: Male

Side: Bad


Evolution: Unknown

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Name: Nolan Maxwell

Age(if any): 15

Gender(if any): Male

side(good or bad): Bad

Tital(Pokemon trainer, Digidestand, Outsider): Digidestined

Aperance: http://thebigswitch.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/cloud_strife_ffac_by_sleepar.jpg

Creature(Pokemon or Digimon name):

evolution cycle(if Digimon): Gaomon - Gaogamon - Machgaogamon - MirageGaogamon - MirageGaogamon Burst Mode

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