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Can I have some As-salt with those fries?

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x20 Monsters


x3 Stardust Dragon/AM

x2 Red Dragon Archfiend/AM


x3 Rose, Warrior of Revenge

x3 Assault Beast

x3 Level Warrior [RGBT Card] [Click this if you think I'm awesome.]

x2 Summon Priest

x1 Sangan

x1 Snipe Hunter

x1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

x1 Spirit Reaper


x10 Spells


x3 Assault Teleport

x2 Gold Sarcophagus

x1 Reinforcements of the Army

x1 Brain Control

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Pot of Avarice

x1 Heavy Storm


x10 Traps


x3 Solemn Judgment/Assault Counter [for price purposes]

x3 Assault Mode Activate

x2 Ultimate Offering

x1 Mirror Force

x1 Torrential Tribute


x15 Extra Deck


x3 Stardust Dragon

x3 Red Dragon Archfiend

x1 Goyo Guaridan

x8 ???


I'm sure it's horrible, but whatever.

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run one assault or dont run them.


I forgot to add Assault Mode Activate. XD


It's obvious that I run five AM monsters so I can use Assault Teleport without it becoming a dead draw.

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Xander Clause on Level Warrior.


Read the brackets next to Level Warrior. XD


Ah' date=' didn't see it there. My bad.



That might be because I didn't add it until after you mentioned it. =P

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