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Soul Eater


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Medusa > Arachne


I actually was in support of Medusa and Stein being a couple XD


I'm really starting to hate Mary (or Marie, depending on translation) now...I figured if she was Stein's partner, she must have an epic weapon mode. She doesn't. :/


And her stupid "Purifying of Souls Resonance" or whatever looks like an idiotic circumstantial power that was created for the sole purpose of curing Stein.


My favorite weapon is definitely Chibi Ragnarok.

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  • 2 weeks later...

shame, I hope they make another series or something. It's like the second anime I've found that isn't 4kids and doesn't have an ecchi moment every 5 seconds. It was genuinly a funny anime and I wish there was more. How good is the manga? I might add that to my manga list.

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I can see kind of why it ended up being so retarded ass. The writers kind of backed themselves into a corner with this... pretty much anything they do would be anti-climatic at this point. That doesn't mean they should have freaking turned Maka into a weapon without any explanation for it, and then have her PUNCH HIM IN THE FREAKING FACE WITH A FREAKING FIST OF COURAGE.


I think they were implying that her 'courage' resonated or something with all the souls Asura had eaten, causing him to explode. Either way, it still sucked.


I do like how at the end, everyone who had been unconscious/pretty much dead for the entire time decide that now that Asura is dead, it's a good time to get up and start walking around again.

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