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Darkworld - Story of the Sacred Blade


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Long ago, an evil power-hungry tyrant used dark magic to raise an army of vile fiends. But a hero sood tall with a weapon of legend called the Golden Sword. Years after the tyrant was defeated, his son used his father's powers to possess the warriors of the mythical land of Clvyx and turn them into dark warriors and vile creatures. He now attempts to take over the world with his new army. The only way to stop is to find that Golden Sword and use it against him. But no one knows where it is. In this mythical battle of swords and magic, you must choose wether you save the world or bring it to it's knees. Grab your weapon and fight for your side.


[spoiler= classes ] Archer - They use mainly bows to destroy the enemy from afar. Great with ranged combat, they have great speed and can outwit most opponents. They usally wear tunics or light armor.


Warrior - They use nothing but a sword and their natural strength to crush the enemy. Natural horse riders, the far outclass others in strength. They wear heavy armor toprotect themselves.


Wizard - They use magic attacks to disable the foes. Great in both ranged and close combat, they are the most balanced. Usually wear long robes with little armor, but have a wide variety of healing potions.


Paladin - More experienced wixards, they use dark magic to preform fatal attacks and summon might creatures. They also have light armor. They outclass all by far in wisdom and power, but are nothing in close combat and cannot do what most warriors and archers can.


Fairy - A mythical creature, they use a variety of magic and swords. Another balanced type, they can fly with wings and heal others. They are naturally peaceful and prefer noth to fight but have a evil counterparts who are the exact opposite.


Fiend - Warriors turned into creatures by forces of mmagic, they use brute strength. They can take some hits and are very strong at a close range, but are outclassed by far in speed and intelligence. Almost always come empty handed.


Merchant - They sell weapons and merchandise to others. They almost never fight, but have a lot of dirty tricks for when they are forced to.


Assassin - Use daggers and corssbows to kill opponent in one shot. Wear light armor and move quickly. Masters of disguise.


Cenetaur - Mythical half-horse half-man creatures. Usually have bows or swords. Run incredibly fast and show off strength.


[spoiler= Weapons ] Sword - A small blade for slicing, dicing, slashing, hacking, and stabbing. All around weapon, favorite of warriors.


Bow - A device that can fire arrows at long ranges with increidble speed. Favorite of Archers.


Crossbow - An automatic bow with a lot more power than a normal bow. Favorite of assasins.


Magic - Self-explainitory. Favorite of Wizards, Palaidns, and Angels.


Spiked Club - A wooden club with metal spikes growing out. Lethal at a close range, sometimes used by Fiends or Warriors.


Mace - A small handle with a spiked ball that can be swung around. A flexible weaopns used by different types.


Spears - Woodens sticks with sharp points on the end. Occasionally used by assasins, warriors, and archers.


Dagger - Smaller blade made for close range stabbing. Very lethal. Used by warriors and archers as a secondary; used by assasins for backstabbing one-hit kills.


Fell free to make up your own (balanced) weapons. Just no lazer guns or lightsabers. This is medival.






Age: (optional)




Weapon(s) (up to 3):


Bio: (optional)

Other: (optional)




Name: Robbie

Age: 10

Gender: M

Appearence: A normal kid with blue tunic, guantlets, and boots. dark brown almost black hair and eyes.

Class: Archer

Weapons: Bow, Dagger

Side: Good

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Name:Jazeth (Lord JZ)




Class:I was wondering if my character could have Dragon Blood in him making him a demonic dragon of sorts, but if not, I'll take warrior gladly.

Weapon(s) (up to 3):Large Sword, and a Katana taken from a warrior in the East.


Bio: Born in the times of the Old Tyrant, This lone soldeir stood as his finest general, when he was defeated, Jazeth managed to avoid execution and went into hiding until he found a way to defeat the Golden sword.After hearing of his son's rise to power he decided to find his own way to destroy the prince and take control his army, He seeks the sword to destroy all who oppose him.


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Ill join:D, pick will come soon

Name: Zeke Tranis

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Appearnce: jjoe1.jpg

Class: Can I also do something special? If yes then I wish to be a person who can sprout wings (One being made of Ice and the other Fire) If not then ill be an archer.

Weapon(s) (up to 3): Bow/arrow, 2 knives

Side: Good

Bio: Zeke was born with an odd power that of being able to sprout wings. He hunts evildoers and is kind, shy, and stands by friends.


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Name: Jade

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearnce: Black waist-length hair, dark brown eyes, about 5'3"

Class: Merchant (specialises in potions, does deal weapons and counterfeit objects to the unsuspecting)

Weapon(s) (up to 3): A double-bladed weapon that can be split into two swords (a bit like Pit's bow in SSBB), dagger

Side: Generally neutral, but does have some favourism to the good side

Bio: (optional)

Other: She's quite a tricky merchant


Btw, when you say they have a lot of dirty tricks up their sleeves, what kind of tricks?

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name :Raylose

age: 19


apperance: a pure black robe including shoes with hode. short spicky blond hair and deep blue eyes, is about 5'8 .Has a long bracelet on his right arm for his hidden blade. a strap around his cheast for his dagger on his back plus trowing knives.

class: Assassin

weapon(s) up to three: Hidden blade , long dagger , and trowing knives(5)

side: Good

Bio: Raylose grew up into his teen years by Assassinating all sorts of people for money but if the target gave some what of hope and life to this world he refused the job.

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Name: Shade swifthoof

Age: unknown for he has lived long

Gender: M

Appearnce: straight black hair standing at 7ft tall, gentle gray eyes, his physical appearance aside from the horse half is that of a disciplined warrior

Class: Centaur

Weapon(s) (up to 3): sword and long bow

Side: good

Bio: Shade is a centaur who is known for his brute strength and incredible speed to match. He protects his friends as if they were of his own kin.

Other: (optional)

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I hope this is acceptable, if not, I'll change him to one of your classes


Name: Panik Bloodmoon

Age: ???

Gender: M

Appearance: dark_knight_by_chrisnfy85.jpg

Class: Dark Knight

Weapons: Dark Blade

Side: Neutral

Bio: A man who once served the Tyrant as one of his elite Dark Knights, Panik now wanders the world, trying to find his own identity. He considers himself a fiend, a vile creature in his own black armour. He doesn't differentiate killing from justice and has a sadistic view on the world.

Other: Dark Knights use attacks that drain their own life force to cause pain to another.

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Name:Yumi Amon






Weapon(s) (up to 3):3 Katana's


Bio:Yumi is a warrior from Japan he sailed as a caption from Japan to here he is The Cold-hearted master swordsman who's made slaying people his life.


Other:He has super human speed due to his sword style.

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Ill join:D' date=' pick will come soon

Name: Zeke Tranis

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Appearnce: [img']http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn133/Kiba_punk_13/anime/jjoe1.jpg[/img]

Class: Can I also do something special? If yes then I wish to be a person who can sprout wings (One being made of Ice and the other Fire) If not then ill be an archer.

Weapon(s) (up to 3): Bow/arrow, 2 knives

Side: Good

Bio: Zeke was born with an odd power that of being able to sprout wings. He hunts evildoers and is kind, shy, and stands by friends.


That's pretty much an angel

Name: Jade

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearnce: Black waist-length hair' date=' dark brown eyes, about 5'3"

Class: Merchant (specialises in potions, does deal weapons and counterfeit objects to the unsuspecting)

Weapon(s) (up to 3): A double-bladed weapon that can be split into two swords (a bit like Pit's bow in SSBB), dagger

Side: Generally neutral, but does have some favourism to the good side

Bio: (optional)

Other: She's quite a tricky merchant


Btw, when you say they have a lot of dirty tricks up their sleeves, what kind of tricks?


Well, think about what people selling illegal merchandise do.

I hope this is acceptable' date=' if not, I'll change him to one of your classes


Name: Panik Bloodmoon

Age: ???

Gender: M

Appearance: [img']http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs33/i/2008/301/c/4/dark_knight_by_chrisnfy85.jpg[/img]

Class: Dark Knight

Weapons: Dark Blade

Side: Neutral

Bio: A man who once served the Tyrant as one of his elite Dark Knights, Panik now wanders the world, trying to find his own identity. He considers himself a fiend, a vile creature in his own black armour.

Other: Dark Knights use attacks that drain their own life force to cause pain to another.




Everyone is accepted, we can start now



Robbie walked quitley into town, looking around him, seeing tons of strange things

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Panik had been hunting fiends within an old fortress of the Tyrant. His senses had picked up the creature and walked into the old war room. The creature was standing at the wall, sharpening his claws. It's attention soon turn to Panik. 'A human?' is growled. Panik did not laugh, or even smirk. 'No' he answered. He swiftly ran and grabbed the creature by the throat, it clawed at his armour, to no avail. 'A human?' it repeated. Panik squeezes tighter. 'I am a fiend in human guise, a vile creature, detested by all; all fiends are' he whispers and tosses the creature. 'Fiends are murderers' he added and drew his blade. With a quick movement, he impaled the creatures face. He kicked the body to withdraw his blade, to which he raises to his motuh and licks off some of the ochor black blood. 'Fiends are bloodthirsty' he whispered, leaving his victim to rot.

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Panik had left the castle in early morning, hunting for more dark fiends, until he reached a village, where a scent he was following dropped because of the human populace. 'Foolish humans, they waste their time; if I must kill them all to find the fiend, so be it' he whispered and entered the village, not even noticing all those who hurry away from him scared. He stands near one centaur and another human when the sent was found. Panik looked and considered that it was coming from the man in front. 'Reveal yourself fiend' he stated to Jazeth.

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