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Movie Card Challenge


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Hey all you people out there, Duelmaster is back with another challenge.


This one is simple, your job is to make a movie out of all of the cards you have created on this site. You must also place the fotage of several different duels of your choice either Yu-Gi-Oh or Yu-Gi-Oh gx in with your cards. That is the first part, the second part of this challenge is to create a card form the game with the same stats and name, and image as the original, but a new effect. This card must be placed, along with a link to your movie, on your entry post.


It will be Judged on how long your movie is, the clarity of the duels that you put in the movie and how well your effect works with the card choosen by you to change.


The prize is going to be 125 points 2 rep

Second place will get 75 points and 1 rep.


HAve fun with this and good luck.

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Do you have windows movie maker? What you do is you nsave the images of all thecards you have created and then put those cards in to the movie itself, but betwen some of the cards, say between each set, you will have the fotage of one of the duels that yu-gi or one of his friends are in.

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