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Here's a thought...

Lord Smeagle

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It's a common misconception that just because Americans don't speak many foreign languages, the same is true in reverse. Most Japanese speak English, at least enough to hold a basic conversation; and there's no reason they can't learn more.


I'm just going to throw this out there; instead of networks hiring crappy voice actors to English-dub their imported anime, why not have the original voice actors record in English (or rather, Engrish) ? It can't possibly be worse than the god-awful dub voices everyone's complaining about.


*crouches behind a table*


Let the flaming begin.

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I personally don't have a problem with dubbed voices, as a general rule. But I hear a lot of complaining about dub voices from hardcore fans, and I just figured I'd throw this one out there.


I and most of my friends are familiar with Cell's English-Dub voice, and then I heard the original Japanese voice. I was most distressed. He just didn't sound like the arrogant bastard we know and love to hate...

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I think part of the problem with dubs is that the lines said in most anime are actually really really cheesy sounding...when you're reading them, and can only hear their tone of voice, it seems alright. When you actually hear it in a language you can understand...It sounds really stupid.

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