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A Flicker of Light in the Dark [Criticism is appreciated] Chapter 2 up


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Different. I felt I wanted to start low with the monsters, not to give the rogue an OP sense. The orb will be explained later, since I'm still working on it's backstory. I should have described the symbol more *facepalms*


Kinda, books will be more like, different parts to the story.

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thx. but don't take too long, bcuz u must work on yours. :D (I don't mean that as in it needs work, I mean I want another chapter out.)

pardon me, and please, shield your eyes. >_> 3...2...1...





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Weeeeelllll...it COULD still be...^__^


Like my new sig?


No' date=' it's not her <_<


Yea, it's k.


nice chapters but the second chapter has some grammer problems. still good but it does need to be corrected


Ahh, no. I spell checked and personally read the chapter over atleast 5 times. Point them out.

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“The poor are thinking of starting a revolt, they think if they strike will he’s sick, they can take over.”


that should be "while he's sick"



They’ve been enemies since 500 hundred years. I’m pretty sure they’re getting her married to Ag’radge’s prince.”


this should either be

"They’ve been enemies since 500 hundred years ago"


"They’ve been enemies for 500 hundred years"


there the one's that i have noticed so far

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"There were two bowls on the plate, filled with some sort of soup.


Dominic nodded.


'They’ve been enemies for 500 hundred years. I’m pretty sure they’re getting her married to Ag’radge’s prince.'"


This chapter was kind of a yawn. Just introduced Raiden, gave some names, and gave a short description of the orb that could have easily been done in Chapter 1.

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