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New Day at DA rp *STARTING....... NOW*


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Since im to lazy to write chapter after chapter i thought make it a rp, so here it is. Pretty much this is based about 1 year after jaden and the gang finish school, theres a new dorm, Diabond Black which is where the abanddon dorm was *reopened*. The teachers are the same, silfer red teacher will be one of you if u want. Pretty much this is a place to have fun and to see what it would be like if you lived at Duel Academy.



Heres the form you have to fill out







Favorite Card:


* = optional


There will be a exam for dorm placement, each person will have a different test to pervent cheating. We will start after we get atleast 2 members of the red, yellow and blue dorms *black wont have students yet, have to do something amazing EX: a silfer red beating a Oblisk Blue a couple times in a row*



Silfer Red Students: Azuh, Yami Cookie, Oldmaster, Asuma 181


Ra Yellow Students: Serronox, Alordzynix, Yaden Yuki


Oblisk Blue Students: Daj, Death12328, Invert Remix


Diabound Black Students: Me *cause i can :P FTW*


I myself will be a Silfer but i wont be named up there, also there are chances to move up and will be added to the correct dorm above.


Good luck to all

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Desc: Aaron is a great duelist. He always has a cool attitude towards everything

*Avatar/Sprite*: 070803a5ec8.png

Deck: I Will be running two decks (cause i cant decide :S) Deck 1: Direct Force, Deck 2: Exodia Beatdown

Favorite Card: Spell Striker

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